Saturday, May 31, 2008

Running things smoothly

It has been a hectic day today, firstly getting up at 7.00am which is an insane hour for me as I usually get up later (no I won't tell you what time I normally wake up :P). Anyway it was all for a good cause, one that allowed me to shoot some of my project mates at Shell.

Today was the project team building event and by team I meant two groups of stressed out consultants running around with "markers" shooting each other in the face. Throughout 5 days at work, all the late nights and pent-up stressed is finally released when all of us arrived at the Mudtrekker Paintball centre in Kuang.

Of course before all of that, I had to ask myself, "Where in the world is Kuang???" and me and my extremely large male ego got me totally lost somewhere near the Sungai Buloh Hospital. I got to thank my car mates Joyce, Michelle and Ryan for putting up with my nonsense and rubbish excuses when I kept on insisting that I knew the way. Obviously I was horrifyingly wrong.

Back to the story, we finally made it to the paintball arena and after the usual safety talks and questions, I finally managed to get my gears and was raring to shoot someone. Having played paintball like a gazillion years ago, I completely forgot how fast those friggin balls went and I crouched behind a metal bin like a little girl running away from the monsters under her bed.

The first mission was to plant the flag where there were two flags in the middle of the place and each team had to run to the middle and plant their flags there. Of course at that time everyone was totally new and was rather afraid of getting injured so everyone just camped at their own base. The second game was exactly the same except that we had to switch sides as one side had the higher ground.

So being my male egotistic self, I tried leading the team only to send my good and faithful soldiers to the firing barrage of the opposite team. Yes, the other team won as they reached their flag, quickly planted it up and camped. The third mission was to attack the opposing team, the place was still at the same course but the defenders had the lower ground. Not easy but by the end of that match, I was totally covered in mud as I was lying flat on the ground.

The last game was the most interesting one as it was a last man standing shoot-out and the only way to "kill" an enemy was to give him a headshot. Frankly by that time, each of us only had like 50 pellets to utilize so most of them "died' because they ran out of ammo.

The whole morning was great and fun as it has been a while since I enjoyed myself, shooting colleagues of mine but the best part was to be able to bond and forge stronger friendships and talking loads of crap to my colleagues. It sent a nice warm feeling through my heart.

Anyway I am utterly exhausted as I sit here in Starbucks in the new wing of Sunway Pyramid waiting for a potential client for a meeting. I think I shall eat Tony Roma's tonight, drooling over the onion loaf already.

By the way, I finally stopped procrastinating and bought my Macbook Pro RAM. So now, my MBP runs smoothly on 4Gb on Corsair RAM.

Oooh soooo smooootttthhhhh, I hope I remember to buy more RAM for Ryan later.

1 comment:

  1. There ain't no such thing as enough RAM or hard disk space :D
