Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Profile Shoot for Sze Accessories

The one thing I always admired about my friends is those who are keen businessmen or in this case, a keen businesswoman. Take it from me, I hardly like to take any sort of risk and I always worry too much about the consequences and other areas. But then again, this isn't about who I am but rather about a shoot I did a couple of weeks ago.

Sze is a good friend of mine whom I have known since we were in primary school and when I found out that she was going to start up her own business selling handmade jewelry online, I was in complete respect for her. After hearing the initial news about it, I did blog about it before previously and since then so many things has changed. Welcome to the world of Sze's Accessories.

Now, her online presence is getting stronger, getting first hits on Google and more and more sales are coming in. Why not? Her products are awesome and they are one of a kind! Yes, you heard me, one of a kind as she doesn't make the same one twice!

Anyway since she found out that I do shoot on the side, she asked me if I could do some portrait shots of her for her profile. I was totally excited about it and two weeks ago, I shot her indoors. Lighting was tricky but the condo we were shooting in was excellent. Here are some of my favourite shots.

Sze Accessories

Sze Accessories

Sze Accessories

Sze Accessories

Sze Accessories

I like the photo above the most as it has a little bit of reflection as well as there is a natural rim light on both sides. Looking at the hair you can see the rim light there and there is a rim light on the arms as well. See, available lighting can be quite awesome as well!

Sze Accessories

Sze Accessories

All shots were shot with available lighting and no flash was used. Because we were shooting indoors so I had to bump my ISO higher than that I can go if I were to shoot outdoors under the sun. It was a fun shoot and I look forward to shooting more profile shots and cover shots.

If you are still looking for a gift to give a loved one, don't forget to head over to Sze's Accessories and choose your perfect gift. I mean, what more could you ask for especially when you have so much to choose from and its definitely one of a kind! Best of all, it is relatively cheap and well priced. People always say that we should practice what you preach, well I will be choosing something from Sze's Accessories to give to MT. As proof I will blog about it and take a picture of the item.

My next profile/cover-shot assignment is in two weeks time and this time for a cover shot of a magazine. This really puts me under pressure as I don't have any studio equipment or special lighting but I shall trust in God and the gifts he has blessed me with.

I will be away this weekend shooting a wedding in Singapore. Really really looking forward to the shoot, hope that there is an internet connection in my hotel room.


  1. nice shots, keep up the good work!!

  2. I was attracted by her eyes... good catchlight... sui...

  3. Nice portraits, a strong retouch would make them great. Check out and fav me if you like my tutorials!

  4. Nice stuff Mark. She has a beautiful face, sweet smile and perfect teeth! Of course, you executed the shoot brilliantly.

  5. Clement: Thanks a lot mate, your recent photos are great as well!

    Ah Chuan: Thanks mate!

    Neil: Noted, I do agree that I can still improve a lot on retouching the photos

    Louis: Thanks so much for the compliment, still striving to improve and shoot better :)

  6. I like the first two, #6 and #8. My personal fav is #2, especially that dark gray wall...

  7. Yes, strong agree with Eugene. Nice work Mark!!

  8. Hey Mark, I finally chanced upon this! Through Yahoo! Thanks man! I'm not that great at posing but you did a wonderful job! I'll definately link your photo blog on Sze's Blog.

    Oh btw, I just have to say this to Louis, about my teeth... I actually prayed about them when I was growing up, well, for God to give me perfect teeth. Why, because I had really bad teeth when I was a kid. At one time, I had 7 double "dracula" teeth at the same time. No kidding! ;) So, if all else fails...pray ;)
