Sunday, May 18, 2008

Greetings from Sunny Singapore

As the title states very clearly, I am currently in Singapore attending and shooting my uni-mate's wedding. It is a 3 day stint and I am on the very last leg (wedding dinner is tonight). Not that I have been having it easy for the past couple of days, it was extremely exhausting! I will definitely blog more about it later but for the mean time, I am just glad that the hotel has free Wi-fi and I am getting a break in the morning although I still have to prepare an express slideshow for tonight.

The weather here is extremely hot and humid. I crave for air conditioned locations and rooms. Hence I will be bunking up in my room trying to get the slideshow ready for the dinner tonight. Not much of traveling or sight-seeing about Singapore but no worries on that. I need to find a 7-Eleven close by to stock up on some liquid and drinks.

The past two days has been tiring for me but extremely fun. I expect tonight to be equally fun and exciting as well. Weddings are a fun occasion and especially fun when it is a good friend of yours. It was great to meet up with old friends and even see some of my old classmates who are currently based in Singapore.

Alright, my break time is over and it is back to work for me. Until the next post!


  1. can post the wed pics to share ka?

  2. Hi Shen,

    Will do mate, still have loads of photos to process so that might take a while. :)


