Monday, December 7, 2009

New York Trip - Part 1

I previously blogged about my trip to Chicago here and here. Actually I was on training for a week before spending the weekend in Chicago. Right after spending a couple of days in the windy city, I journeyed towards east together with my mate, Jamie. I learned a lot about flying in the US. First of all, when it is stated that you need to be at the airport an hour earlier before your flight, that really means you need to actually check-in at the counter an hour earlier. This doesn't include the time it takes you to line up (it took us about 45minutes, so we kinda missed out flight).

Anyway, by the time we landed in New York, we both took a cab towards Manhattan Island only to be greeted by what some people might call a New York cab experience. We didn't get conned but the experience was somewhat disheartening. The cab driver did get cut off but he didn't have to wind down his window and started cursing non-stop for 15 minutes. He didn't get a tip from me.

By the time we reached our hotel (we stayed at Sheraton Manhattan), there was a street fair going on.


From all of the movies I have seen, I always had the mental image of how New York would look in either sephia or black and white.

The fair was in full force with plenty of vendors selling trinkets and souveniers as well as plenty of food.



This was my lunch, a mixed version of a kebab with plenty of filling and vegetables. It tasted fantastic, maybe because I was a little hungry at that time hence that could have been an added bonus factor.


The corn dog was really calling out to me and they had like 1 foot sausages. Jamie could tell that I was drooling all over them!


And what is New York without the guys handing out flyers or street baskers.


Times Square was extremely packed. The queue to get theater tickets were extremely long. We wanted to catch the new play called "Shrek". The hotel wanted to sell us tickets at USD$175 but if we spent about 2 hours queuing up,  we could have bought it at a much cheaper price.

After walking about for a bit and enjoying the view of the city, the two of us felt sick and it probably was that we might have been too worned out. But with the current crisis of swine flu, we were a little paranoid and after checking into the hospital, we ended up all bandaged up as shown below.


Ok, I was lying about the bandage thing.

Find out more in my next post :)


  1. Awesome photos! I love the first and last photo. There's no place like New York, New York. Can't wait for part two!

  2. Is your friend Jamie the same Jamie Wee from Accenture? ;) BTW looks like NYC was a lot of fun!

  3. Huey: Yes, thats the same Jamie!

  4. I knew you were a zombie! :P I want to go New York too one day.

  5. Eugene, Nick: Yeah, New York rocks! Definitely a place I want to visit again and definitely a place where I want to shoot portraits as well :D

  6. whoa! i like ur NewYork photoz!

    nanged ur post..

    visit back my foodblog at

  7. [...] of my firm featuring Tiger in major airports especially during my recent trips to Chicago and New York. It’s going to take a lot of getting used to it now. Headlines in the [...]
