Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Aaron & Susan's Portraiture Session

Aaron works in the same company as I do and he previously helped me organize the photography workshop I thought at my firm a couple of months back. This time when he emailed me again, it was for something totally different. He was going to be in front of the camera together with Susan instead of behind it.

Frankly, I believe that Cyberjaya is a little hidden gem when it comes to photo taking. I believe there is plenty of potential here in terms of the photos you can get. I just need to experiment more and recce the place out a little bit more and I am sure I can find more unique locations.

So when Aaron asked me to shoot his portraiture session, I jumped at the chance to suggest Cyberjaya.

Here are some of my favourite shots from that day.




The weather wasn't really what I had hoped for, instead of the sunny and dramatic skies I know Cyberjaya has, it turned out to be dark and gloomy. To make it worse, it started to drizzle as well during the shoot.

Despite the weather, we powered through with more shots!





The sun did eventually set earlier than expected or it probably hid behind some clouds, so we headed towards Putrajaya for a couple of shots there as well.



As a confession, we took these photos right after work so I had all of my lighting equipment and no one to help me hold them. Hence I had to employ the street lamp to assist me with my lighting.






I can't wait for my next assignment to be in Cyberjaya or Putrajaya, I definitely want to try other locations other than just using the usual bridge shots there.


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mark Leo and Mark Leo, Mark Leo. Mark Leo said: I've just updated my blog! : Aaron & Susan's Portraiture Session [...]

  2. I have not driven Cyberjaya enough to appreciate it haha. All I know is that i tend to get lost everytime I head in there. :P

  3. wow! your shots were great! I love the night scenery!!

  4. Hey Mark, Thanks a lot for the session and photos. You deliver very good quality shots without fail each time. I admire your profesionalism, and also learnt a lot from you. We sure did have fun!

  5. Thanks a lot Aaron, it was really fun shooting both you and Susan. Hope to catch up with you soon mate!
