Friday, June 12, 2009

Siaran Tergendala

At the moment, crunch time is here and I am trying to spend as much time as I can to study for my upcoming exam, next week on Tuesday.  This is actually a professional certification for project management (yes, even project managers need some sort of certification for a professional body, in this case, PMI). After so many years of not studying for exams, this has come to be a shock for me. Now I have enormous respect for those of you out there who are studying part time especially whether it is for your CPA, ACCA, CFA or MBA (man that is a whole lot of acronyms) which is much longer than my PMP (another acronym pulak), all the best! (Fiona, Boon and Jun, my hats off to you!)

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="506" caption="PMI"]PMI[/caption]

Will be right back after these long pauses. In the mean time, I worked on a slide show for Shootfest, well basically something I had in my head and at the same time, I was trying some new slideshow making techniques so stay tuned as well. At the mean time, I will leave this post with an image from my recent trip to New York.


I took this shot when I was up at the Empire State building. My advice, don't go up there in shorts, slippers and a t-shirt. It was absolutely freezing cold!


  1. gosh. my PMI exam back in uni came back with horrible results -_- anyways good luck! =)

  2. Mark.. I feel the pain! Good luck in your exams! I'm sure you will do WELL!!! =)

  3. Oh... fantastic night scene of NYC by the way! Wished I had taken the time to take more photos when I was there... was too busy shopping and eating! hahahaha..

  4. Oh man that's an awesome picture! Not to be a nit-picket, but is the horizon slanted or is it barrel distortion?

  5. CincauHangus - Wah you took the PMI when in Uni? Can qualify? The PMP requires a minimum of 3600 of project management related contact hours before can qualify to sit for the exam.

    Fiona - Thanks for the well wishes, NYC is a fantastic place to shop! I am not the shopper kind of guy but when I went to the Woodbury Commons Premium Outlet, I sort of went shopping crazy, spent at least 6 hours of shopping non-stop. LOL.

    ShaolinTigger - The horizon is slanted because of barrel distortion. I only had my 14-24mm lens with me at that time and it has a lot of barrel distortion. Actually I was wondering if I should correct it via PS or maintain it this way, I kinda like the curved horizon. :P

  6. Good luck!

    And I think only you would have gone up there with shorts and t-shirts :P

  7. That is a beautiful shot! The barrel distortion is just fine
