Monday, June 22, 2009

Clean Desk Day

Alright, after @theBackPackr tweeted about today being a clean desk day and after he has reminded us again today with a blog post about it, I figured to myself, why shouldn't I clear my desk as well? I would pretty much say that my desk at work is fairly easy to clean. Its my desk at home which is the nightmare!

[caption id="attachment_898" align="alignnone" width="638" caption="Workstation at work"]Workstation at work[/caption]

A quick description on what is on my desk, I have my laptop sitting on a laptop dock. It is connected to a mouse and keyboard which I use most of the time. The keyboard was a hand-me-down keyboard which I received when I moved places in the office. As you can see, my desk is pretty small which makes it easier for me to clean as well. I have an IP Phone next to me and a mini fan which I bought for myself because it is so friggin hot here.

Here are some more close up of my desk to show how messy the wires and cables can be!

[caption id="attachment_892" align="alignnone" width="576" caption="Mini fan with messy cables"]photo(13)[/caption]

The mini fan is my life saver sometimes but it can be rather noisy as well.

[caption id="attachment_893" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Super messy cables including laptop lock"]Super messy cables including laptop lock[/caption]

The IP phone has a network cable connected to it and another one connected outwards towards my docking station. There is also a laptop lock for

After a quick organising and cable management, voila, this is what happened to my desk.

[caption id="attachment_894" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Cleaned desk"]Cleaned desk[/caption]

Doesn't look like much but mind you, the documents are all stored in the cabinet! Took me 3 seconds to stuff everything in there. I was seriously so amazed because of my super organizational skills.

[caption id="attachment_895" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Mini fan revisited"]photo(16)[/caption]

After careful thought and consideration and weighing various techniques and options, the best solution I came up with the mini fan was to tie the wire with a cable tie. It took me a strenuous 5 seconds to tie it up. Talk about hard work and quick thinking strategy.

[caption id="attachment_896" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Less clutter behind the laptop"]Less clutter behind the laptop[/caption]

At the end of the day, I get a cleaner desk where I can throw more documents on the next day especially after a meeting and get my feet tangled up because I love to cross my legs when I am at my desk due to the dangling cables.

[caption id="attachment_897" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="This is where all my cables went to!"]This is where all my cables went to![/caption]

So I would love to encourage everyone to spend a little time to clean up their desk, preferbly on Monday. With that you have 4 more days of the week to mess it up again in order for you to clean up your desk again next Monday. I think I shall start a trend, #MessyDeskFridays.


  1. [...] Pingback by Clean Desk Day | Mark Leo.Net [...]

  2. Lol. My cabinet is full. Can't stuff anymore. :P

  3. Errmm..the fan was bought by me la.. also you can try organising the cables underneath your table :P

  4. Hmm, I don't know about tying DC powered cables up like that. If not wrong, you just made a small electromagnet.

  5. My work environment is either the home office or a client and it’s never dusty. I figured it was worth a shot to clean the fan. I grabbed my trusty can of compressed air and, while the system was still running, blew the air into as many different angles as I could. I was surprised to see the amount of dust coming out of the fan.
