Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year and Reflections of 2008

The year has come and gone, the next thing I know I am being ushered into the next year with plenty of uncertainties roaming about my head. Uncertainties in life and uncertainties in what I do. Just about a month ago I thought I knew exactly what I was going to do but evidently now that it is the first day of the new year, I don't really know what am I supposed to do.

Should I continue in the cycle of what I call a daily routine or should I start rethinking, revisiting and reflecting on what I really want to do. Why I say that I enter 2009 with uncertainties is because I ended 2008 with loads of questions left unanswered.

Firstly, I don't really know where I will be heading to after I leave my exisiting project. This is totally entirely up to me to find out as well as check up on the senior execs in my firm to see if there are positions available in other projects. The next uncertainty would be for me to then consider whether to choose a role because of availability (times are bad now and 2009 has been predicted to be worse) or to choose a role which would help me in my promotion readiness.

The other uncertainty is because of my job allocation, shooting weddings might become a problem because I might be moved to a project overseas or even just here. With that in mind, I am quite hessitant to take any jobs in the coming month of January but thank God that it is also the Chinese New Year period so there aren't that many at the moment.

I guess when I look back at 2008, I feel that I have underachieved, I felt that I could have done more, done it better and done it more efficiently. Of course 2008 was a blast but when I look back at several areas of my life, I can't help but feel that I have let people down, couldn't achieve my targets and realised that I have strayed away for a very very long time. What went wrong?

As I continue the next couple of days to reflect upon 2008, I know I have to move forward and to achieve more, be better and buck up for 2009. What happened in 2008 will be a lesson for me and I will definitely want to make sure that if 2008 was good, 2009 will be legendary! Or so Barney Stinson might say.

Of course not everything turned out bad in 2008. There were several key important moments that have left a mark in my life such as shooting a very interesting wedding in Phuket in April 08, managed to shoot with Malaysia's most awarded photographer, joined the WeddingStory team, completed a very important project for my client, had a blast playing in the company band at our company trip, and met up with friends from the past and helped built relationships.

2009 will be a great year, 2009 will be one that I hope to achieve more.

Here's to a great and wonderful 2009!

Have an excellent and blessed new year!


  1. Happy New year bro, I hope 2009 brings you clarity in your thoughts and a clear vision of what you should focus on.

  2. Blessed New Year! May you continue to love more, share more, care more and shoot more...

  3. Happy New Year and 2009 will be a blast! I am pretty sure of it. If not, I help you make it a blast.

    Your weapon of choice? Grenades or mortars? :P
