Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Weekly Wednesday Clicks

This week's Wednesday clicks would come a little earlier as I think I might be rushing through the day to complete quite a lot in a very short time. Anyway, there have been some very interesting sites that I managed to troll out from the world wide web so brace yourself and enjoy the links.

On a personal note, I got back from Penang on Monday and I was totally exhausted. I guess the 9 hour drive up on Saturday and the 5 hour drive down on Monday took a huge toll on me but the trip was fun and relaxing. I really didn't know that prices of food in Penang has gone up, I ended up paying RM8 for "char koay teow" and worse of all, "tau sar pneah" was completely sold out. I got loads of photos to sort through, process and deliver so will be very busy over the next couple of weeks.



  1. Happy New Year to you too mate!

    Lovely clouds! Were you on the ferry?

  2. Try to go to Penang during Chinese New Year, your precious char kuay teow could double up in price.

  3. Excellent shot of Penang :) And which char kuay teow you went to? 3 sisters? Then sure kena charge sky high :P

    Go to others, they are not so expensive and a few of them tastes even better!

    Btw, got IT yet? :D

  4. Eugene: Yes we were! It took us about a little over an hour to queue to get on the ferry. But I guess it was worth it since I haven't been on the ferry since like forever! :P

    Ian: What?!?!?! RM16 for a plate of char kuay teow??? Man that would be the bomb...

    Nick: Yeah I went to both the 3 sisters and some other places. 3 sisters were indeed RM8 per plate. Yes, got IT already hahahahahaha.
