Monday, January 7, 2008

So much in so little

All right, I haven't been updating this blog as frequently as I would have hoped for but nevertheless; here are some of my latest updates.

  • I am completely worn out

  • I got a huge backlog of photos to post process

  • I am taking more than I can process

  • But I am totally enjoying myself in the midst of all this busyness

This new year is the year where I definitely got to get things moving whereby I don’t just sit down and do nothing but to go out and find opportunities, opportunities to create wealth, opportunities to build relationships and opportunities to move forward.

The year started slow for me, mainly because of a heavy workload as well as my own part time work. I shot a wedding on the 1st of Jan which was part of my practical training together with Zung and over the weekend I shot Chia Yong and May Tjin for their wedding website (more of that to come).

At the mean time, I am rushing to complete two sets of photos, one for Donald and Adeline and the second set is for the couple I shot on the 1st of Jan. To the rest of the photographers this may be a way to showcase their work and get it commented, but for me, I am actually taking this as a test and hoping to get some sort of work coming my way from Zung.

The next bit of work would be for me to process my cake shots. Its good that the client has already narrowed down the choice of photos and it is definitely better to just selectively post process 10 pictures than sorting through 300+ photos and then randomly processing them.

Tonight there will be a bonus section where I will be going with the rest of the class to the night market at SS2, where we will be honing our shooting skills under low-light conditions, constant moving of people and most importantly, being discreet so that the DVD vendors don’t come and bash us up.

Taking all my knowledge from past shoots and from the last four lessons, I aim to create a series of photos tonight that portrays a certain theme and feel. I have some ideas in mind already but tonight will definitely be tricky. My setup will be just a simple 50mm f/1.8 with no flash. Probably going to shoot at around ISO 800 – ISO 1000, but it will suit my theme.

I know I haven’t been posting up photos lately but I promise I will do that tonight once I am done with my assignment.