Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Blessed New Year!

I want to take this time to wish everyone a very blessed new year. Another year has passed and we can usher in a new one with much hope and something to look forward to. Well, for me, I have a lot to look forward to. But before I start looking forward, let's take a step back and reflect on what happened in year 2007.

  1. Missed all of my last year's resolutions :P

    • Losing weight = failed!

    • Run a 1/2 marathon = failed! Only achieved 10km runs :P

    • Properly save money = failed, didn't achieve target!

    • Practice my guitar = failed, I sold my guitar to fund my new passion.

  2. Broke up

  3. Became broke by becoming in a huge debt

  4. Found God

  5. Lost God in the midst of flurry

  6. Halfway through SOL 1

  7. Got promoted at work

  8. Found new and old friends

  9. Found munZ

  10. Started a new hobby/passion

  11. Invested in my new hobby/passion and shot 3 weddings this year

  12. Joined Facebook - sounds sad isn't it?

  13. Lost some sort of my passion at work and in church

  14. Found out that a lot of my friends are getting married

And the list goes on and on. 2007 was definitely a year where I can reflect on but should not dwell on but to look ahead. As I begin my next ritual of writing my 2008 resolution, perhaps there is something I can plan better as 2008 promises to be good year ahead, and as Ps. Daniel said during watchnight celebration, 2008 will be a year of multiplication.

  1. Multiply my relationships with God, family and friends

  2. Multiply my passion for God

  3. Multiply my passion for building and strengthening relationships

  4. Multiply my gifts and skills which God has given me

  5. Multiply my abilities and resilience at the workplace

  6. Multiply my wealth

Nothing comes ever so easily from God and as many people would say that a job won't fall unto our laps but we have to take the effort to look for one believe that God will provide us with one. Therefore, in order to achieve all of that above, I have to put in the effort and believe God will be there for me.

  1. Spending more fixed time with God

  2. Spending more fixed time with family and friends

  3. Sharing more openly with friends

  4. Practicing hard with my camera until it becomes an extension of me

  5. Learning to save money as well as spend it wisely

  6. Be bold and have confidence in the skills and gifts which God has given us

  7. Find and continue to look for ways to invest money

And the list continues on and on. But until then, HAPPY NEW YEAR. My feet is killing me, just followed Zung around today of ThePhotoz.com for a wedding shoot. Real fun and definitely a very good learning experience for me.

1 comment:

  1. [...] and I realised that I didn’t set any for 2009. I guess that after setting them in 2007 and 2008, it hasn’t really turned out that well. Let’s just say that I haven’t been able [...]
