Monday, April 18, 2011

Aching feet and what nots

I have been trying to nurse a sore foot for the past couple of weeks and everytime I feel like it is recovering, the pain keeps returning. Of course, trying to not walk or use my feet as much as I can, I have been hindered in that recovery process mainly because of work as well as circumstances.

The first one was that my client has moved to a new spanking office building. Due to this move, work has been hectic (packing stuff up and searching for a parking space). Thankfully we managed to get an alternative parking but it required a 400m walk (distance based on Google Map's estimation) between the car park and the new office building. The rain didn't help early this morning as well and the path ways were filled with sand and stone hence using a roller bag wasn't the best idea as well. I probably will swap it back for a backpack again.

The second circumstance is just the nature of my work, in the office we are constantly reminded about safety issues and good healthy office exercises that we need in order to break our rhythm of just sitting at the desk the whole day. Thanks to this, I grew a habit of not filling up my water bottle and coffee mug to the brim and usually just take 1/3 of my bottle to force myself to take a 5 minute break to get more water and walk about and stretch.

The third circumstance required me to shoot a wedding yesterday. Now a full day of walking, crouching and moving around really needed me to down a couple of painkillers but thank God that I managed to survive through the day.Also without the care of my loving wife, I don't think I would have survived the whole week!

Now I am just nursing a pair of sore feet and I am dreading the walk back to the carpark to head to another meeting in Cyberjaya till the wee hours of the night.

Of course, my weekend wasn't as interesting as these fellows here. I actually caught wind of this first on Facebook when someone "liked" this Facebook fan page. This led to a couple of other blog posts about the event here, here and here. Oh well, I hope that the organizers should definitely up their game because if you do a simple Google Search, the same organiser, Expose Media, also organised a horrible race back in 2010. So from bad mouthing emcee, to plain unprofessional crew members to just plain hooliganism, I guess I am glad that I didn't participate in this run.I think I shall stick to my Maha PowerEx batteries as well instead of Energizer ones (for more obvious reasons of course).

Then there was the Sarawak State Elections at which the results didn't surprise me one bit. Frankly with all the spin doctoring by both sides of the media, I really don't know who is speaking the truth. The one thing I know is that DAP is definitely making in-roads and they have actually had a fantastic result from the state elections. I guess that their actions on running Penang must have rubbed off on our eastern states.

Also thanks to good friends who taught me the importance of locking the gate to your house all the time even if you were going for a quick walk or errand. The same group of friends also introduced me to a new sinful food,  fried bittergout with salted egg. Damn awesome!

1 comment:

  1. [...] with that site by signing up to the RSS feeds or perhaps by following me on Twitter View NotesHurting feet – Google Web-log Search by dawarwickphotography Associated announcements: Associated talks: Question by jenna5366215: [...]
