Friday, January 21, 2011

Review: Sierra Glow Car Treatment

Now I have never owned a white car before and one of my biggest worry that I have is to see it turn mellow! Hence resulting in me scouring through the interweb to fine out ways to keep the car shiny and clean and nice. Initially I was introduced to various methods of waxing and various services provided but one recommendation I received was to try out Sierra Glow.

Located out in USJ1 in Subang, I decided to drive there early in the morning to drop off my car there. Met with the owner, Choong who was a very friendly guy who also gave me a lift to Summit because I didn't want to wait 6 hours for my car at the workshop nor was there any other shop in the industrial area.

What Sierra Glow preaches is not to use wax. They state that conventional waxes and other polishing products merely stay on top of your car paintwork without removing the dust and dirt that are trapped into the paintwork. In fact, rubbing the wax in only pushes the dirt deeper into the paint.

So what is Sierra Glow actually? It is basically a chemical which bonds microscopically with the paint and at 5 microns thick, it is stated as harder than steel. In layman terms, there is a small thin protective layer which sits on top of your car's paint thus keeping and maintaining it's shine intact. What sort of sold me to this is that it provides a 5 year guarantee as well as because there is a protective layer on top of your car now, you don't need to polish and wax it anymore. A simple wash would just be sufficient!

Of course, the other selling factor was that I saw this car which was already there owned by another customer who had Sierra Glow applied on their car!

Here are some of the steps they take for the entire procedure,

  1. Prepare the car by washing it and ensuring all grit and grime have been removed

  2. Clay bar - basically removing oxidation and marks on your car's body

  3. T.C Hard and T.C All which is their patented method which removes surface scratches, swirls and water marks

  4. Polish - Ironically they do polish the car after what was explained to me but this is to polish the paint coat

  5. Glassglow - Applying the 5-micron layer of GlassGlow.

After a LOOOOONG break in between (of course a big thanks to the owner for giving me a lift to Summit while they took 5.5 hours to complete the whole procedure), here was what I saw when I returned to the shop.

And I was very happy with the results! After 4 months, I am still very happy with the results of Sierra Glow.


Personally at the price I paid, it was totally worth it especially the 5-year guarantee. One of the key areas which sold me was the fact that I didn't need to polish my car and since I live in an apartment where there is no area to wash my car, Sierra Glow seemed like the perfect solution. Also with this, I can safely NOT renew my membership with CARs International because I feel that the amount I save (RM5 for each car wash) does not cover the entire cost of 1 year's membership which was in the range of RM400. Worse of all, some of their centers had really bad service hence I am glad that I am not renewing my membership.

Directions to get to the shop:

A final note:

Unfortunately while I was on my way back home from the Sierra Glow shop, I got caught in the jam at Subang and it poured heavily! The instructions I received was that I was not to was my car for 48 hours but thanks to our wonkey Malaysian weather, I was rather unlucky. When I reached back home, what came to my surprise was the formation of water beads on the car. This is definitely thanks to the protective layer which now protects the shine and colour of my car.


  1. That's something I would like to try. What;s the damage?

  2. The damage usually depends on the size of cars. Can range from RM400 to over a thousand.

  3. Ok. just a Myvi. 5 years guarantee is worth it.

  4. Hi, I am interested to know how the sierraglow treatment is coping with our malaysian sun? Are you still getting water beading after washing and is the paint as shiny?

  5. Hi, I am interested to know how the sierraglow treatment is coping with our malaysian sun? Are you still getting water beading after washing and is the paint as shiny?

  6. Yeah it is personally. After a couple of months and parking under the sun in our Malaysian weather, I still see water beads forming after it rains.

  7. hi, I just got my car n its WHITE :D need to wash it every week, very tiresome. thought of using PPS, but when i saw your page on sierra glow..hmmm I think I need to rethink again haha..furthermore PPS is more expensive plus it has to be maintained every 6 month

  8. Well to be honest, SG, PPS or GZox or any of those coats won't prevent dirt on collecting on the car especially white because it is very visible. The good thing about Sierra Glow is that you don't need to wax it, just a simple wash is good.

  9. How much was it for your car Mark? Have a Golf too.


  10. The latest price I heard from people who sent their golf in recently is RM600 for the car.

  11. This website has got lots of extremely helpful stuff on it! Thank you for helping me.

  12. Hi Mark, I stumbled into your site during googling 'Sierraglow'. I actually did mine last April and towards the end of last year (after 7-8 months), I am beginning to see water marks on top of my car during my washes. I am in doubt that Sierraglow has a lasting effect. Also, if I touch the surface of the car, it's slightly rough which got me worrying and hence, me googling this subject to check if any other users posted the same effect after 7-8 months (same as myself). I hardly park my cars outdoors as well. :(

  13. Thanks for the feedback! Personally I used to also see water marks on my car during washes but I realised that because I usually send my car to get washed at those petrol stations. After going to a more experienced car wash place located at Aman Suria, and ensuring that they use the right and proper cloth and branded car shampoos, I don't see the water marks anymore. In terms of the surface, mine is still smooth but I will definitely watch out for this.

    What I can suggest is to give them a call and highlight your issues, you have the 5-year guarantee. I had a friend who had issues with his and booked another appointment with them and managed to get it fixed. His case was because after he had his SG done, on the way back home, he got stuck in a heavy downpour and it didn't let the SG seal in properly.

    Thanks for the feedback! At least everyone else who reads this review can also see what are some of the side effects.

  14. Stumbled upon this review of yours when I was searching for anything related to Sierra Glow and PPS. It's been more than 6 months so I'm wondering if it is still as shiny and new as it was from Day 1. 

  15. To be honest, all it needs now is a good wash to make it look as shiny as day one. Not those wash you get from the petrol station but even a decent one which costs around RM20-RM30, you get the shiny look again. 

  16. Hi Mark, I am interested. Will i need to worry of anything by sending in a new car? straight after taking delivery from dealer. Thanks 

  17. Hi Vincent, I would recommend that you get an appointment first with Choong. He tends to get very busy :) 

  18. [...] I have sent the car in recently to apply Sierra Glow on the body to maintain and sustain its white shine. You can read more about Sierra Glow in my review post here. [...]

  19. I kinda like Sierra Glow over other stuffs. Merely because of the cheaper price. However, after my car was done (around 4-5 hours), I went home and it was raining. So what happened was, I noticed coatings on some areas were somewhat "peel-ed off" due to the rain. 

    I told the shop owner and he ask me to bring the car in for inspection. Will keep you posted.

  20. Hi Azmi,

    Yeah do go back to get it checked and he should be able to clear it up. I had a friend who had a similar experience as well and he brought it back to them and they rectified it.

  21. I actually handwash my own car using premium eco-organic car shampoos with proper washclothes and all. So, I can vouch that it hadn't gone anywhere else to wash except for the authorized service centres (maybe one in a couple of months).

    Yea, I'll give them a call and do that- I just don't like to leave my car a whole day there while I myself live across the city.. =)

    Mine had no rain for at least a week after the seal was done not sure what' s the cause of it.

    Thanks for your response! Will update once I get down to resolving this...

  22. Water Marks are normal, this is because of our weather whereby usually after a heavy rain the sun shines and the water beading effects causes the water to dry on top of the surface therefore u will see the water marks. But not to worry since the coating is thick so they should be able to polish it off without removing the coating

  23. May I know how do you know is 5-micron layer of GlassGlow? did you measure it? how they do it with 5-micron?

  24. The same way how I know the rest of the other brands claim that their protection layer is as what they say. Pure faith. Same faith that I have when I use either a wet or dry technique when etching a layer over a semiconductor surface. Thickness can vary but not perfect.

  25. I get the water marks but it's the rough patches....after I wash it and feel the surface, I can feel rough patches here and there on the car. Need to touch up, I guess!

  26. Is it like coating?

  27. Hi Mark

    I would like to know how much this cost you..

  28. Hello Chong, I am wondering after 2 years, Is your car still shiny?

  29. How long since you coat the car, can you advise the durability of it? Do you send the car for yearly inspection and pay for touch-up?

  30. It lasted around 2 years and I didn't need to send the car in for inspection or for touch up. Just did a good wash regularly.
