Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What Happened at the Photographers Meet Up

When Grace posted an event "Photographer's Gathering" a couple of weeks ago on Facebook, I was totally not expecting the crowd last night. There was a huge group of photographers, mainly wedding but nonetheless new faces as well as old friends. The mood and the event was totally awesome, we packed out the The Olive Branch to the max, running out of seats.

Here are some of the photos I captured with my iPhone, I had no choice as I had just sent in my gears to the service center for focus calibration. Surprisingly, for a photographer's event, there were only a couple of cameras there and whole load of iPhones in the midst.

The event started with Grace introducing herself and thanking everyone for joining in on the event. It was mainly a way for photographers to meet each other, catch up, mingle around, meet new faces as well as listen to some of Grace's, Patrick's and Zung's experience with WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) when they were there last March in Las Vegas.

Grace also brought quite a number of brochures and magazines she collected from the WPPI tradeshows.

Patrick and Zung also joined Grace at the front to share their WPPI experiences with everyone, ranging from the total cost of the trip, the cost of the conference, travel methods, 25 cents chicken wings, Hooters, airlines and definitely lots of funny jokes as well. They were really frank about the trip, what they have learned about the trip and what they brought back from WPPI.

After that, Peter who was the current president of WPPM (Wedding and Portrait Photographers Malaysia) came up to talk about WPPM and explain what WPPM is all about. If you don't know what it is, check out their website and watch out for the upcoming WPPM conference in August.

Patrick later on shared with the group on his experiences with the print competition as well as what he had learned when participating in the competition.

Whilst Patrick was speaking away, me and Jon quietly slipped away to the kitchen to bring out a birthday cake to celebrate both Patrick's and Alex's birthday. Alex at that time hadn't arrived yet but we managed to sing happy birthday and eat some good old cake which surprisingly again, for a room full of photographers, there was plenty of cake left. I think everyone must have been on a diet.

There were plenty of new faces and new people I met and the mamak session after the event was also funny as we heard proposal stories and weird photography poses which gave us all a huge laugh about.

Definitely can't wait for the next one!


  1. photographers meet up is a great place to know people and share experience in a great hobby. =)

  2. Join us the next time :) You don't have to be a photographer to attend
