Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Lazy Sunday Afternoon and lunch at Sanbanto

I have been trying to get as much rest as I can most weekends but after yesterday's shoot, I was completely worned out. Grace suggested I try using a more comfortable pair of shoes to shoot a wedding, preferably something which has a thick sole. If it were up to me, I would shoot with my pair of crocs all the time because I love how thick it is.

Anyway, after church this morning, I decided to eat lunch together with munz at Sanbanto. I got this idea after Jon went there for dinner yesterday and checked-in there via Foursquare. So being the usual curious person and when there is the word "pork" in the title of the name, I headed over there to have a go at their fare. First impressions was that the restaurant really did look more of a deli than a restaurant. About slightly more than half of the place is filled up with the kitchen, sales counter and the large freezer.

Sanbanto Premium Pork is located on the same row as KTZ in SS2, facing "Wai Sek Kai".

Sadly there wasn't any place available but the owner (I think she is the owner), helped us by opening up a new table closer to the door. Feeling extremely hungry we decided to take it and after a while when another group left the restaurant, we moved over to a proper table. Both of us decided to try out the Sanbanto Bacon n Cheese burger and ordered ourselves iced cappuccino.

While waiting for our food, munz was playing her new golden half camera with a flash. Actually I think I took more photos with it and I can't wait to develop the film to see the results.By the time I finished convincing her and after 4 frames from the camera, our food arrived.

The burger was rather good, not great but definitely good. Maybe its because I always had this feeling that a good cheese burger should always be beef and not pork but the bacon was good. How it can be even better is that if they made it with crispy bacon instead of the softer pan fried type. The crunchiness would definitely be a good option mixed with a large helping of mushrooms.

The burger came with a nice side salad which was well seasoned and not the usual junk that other places serves. I completely gobbled that down.

The ice cappuccino was "so-so" and I was annoyed that it didn't come served with a spoon to stir it especially when there is a large layer of sugar at the bottom. Anyway the price of the burger and drinks were not too bad and I would definitely return back to the restaurant to try out their other pork food such as the pork belly salad, yumz!

By the way, I took these photos using my iPhone, totally love the effect.

Have a great remaining weekend and do spend time with your mums today!


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mark Leo. Mark Leo said: I've just updated my blog! Check it out here : A Lazy Sunday Afternoon and lunch at Sanbanto [...]

  2. Never thought iphone can take good photos too.

  3. what we need to find is a place that carries lamb burgers. i've got these awesome lamb patties in the freezer, you oughta try one someday man. amazing stuff!

  4. Can't believe you ate there and didn't have the char siew, that's the only thing worth going there for.

  5. I haven't found a place yet that serves nice lamb burgers. Ok, need to go look for a place now :P

  6. Har?? There is char siew there? Damn, how could I have missed that one!
