Monday, November 30, 2009

An Interesting Penang Trip

As would most folks in KL, the quest for local delights will bring one around the country in search for the ultimate fare and Penang is one state all too familiar with their local dishes. So, on one fine long weekend, me and my colleagues decided to head up to Penang for 4 days to get fat by stuffing ourselves silly. So silly that we planned every single itinerary in order to maximize our time there efficiently. Talk about being kiasu!

Our journey began at 5am in the morning only to be greeted with thousands of other folks who thought that traveling in the wee hours of the day would be convenient. You see, we decided that the Raya weekend was the best time to head up north. Sad to say, it took me 3 hours to reach Ipoh where we stopped by at "Foh San" for some dim sum.  

Getting a table at Foh San was not easy and we had to split everyone up around the entire restaurant to stand next to tables where people were about to finish eating. After a good 30 minutes, we managed to find a table where my cell member was having breakfast. Talk about a small world indeed. But because it was so packed, although my cell member and his family vacated their seats, there was an elderly couple who had joined them. They weren't exactly done yet with their food so while waiting for them to finish eating, I decided to take a couple of photos.




If you see the image above closer (at a 100% zoom), you can actually see all of us having breakfast :)

After a long a hearty meal, I got Ivan to drive the rest of the way towards Penang. It took us another 4 hours before we reached our hotel and after a quick 30 minute rest we headed out to try some of the "Sister's Char Koay Teow". We were in luck, they were just about to close when we arrived so we quickly ordered 13 plates and other dishes to munch on while waiting for our food. 


The otak-otak was quite nice in fact! It tasted a little different compared to the usual nonya ones which I always eat when I am back in Malacca.


The dried shrimp on top of the yam cake was also delicious although without the thick black sweet sauce, it turned out to be a little dry for my taste.


Of course, when the main course arrived, everyone was busy eating! The unique thing about this "char koay teow" was the crab meat that was served together with it. Frankly, I still prefer the other one where the uncle cooking the CKT wears goggles! I now call him, Uncle Goggles.


And what is Penang without it's Penang Lobak.

After stuffing ourselves silly, we headed to Little India in search of this super duper famous cendol stall only to be dissapointed that it was closed.


So instead, Kit decided to get his eyebrow's threaded which became such a point of interest to the rest of the guys that every guy in our group decided to get their eyebrow's threaded as well. In fact, I joined in as well and I have to say that it is way less painful compared to pulling out each individual hair!

We then decided to head to more touristy areas to eat some food at McCallister Road.




Yes, this was another round of more food and by the time we were done, I was so stuffed!




Next on the itinerary was to visit Kek Lok Si temple. 





Took a couple of shots of my colleagues while we were at the top.





After the visit to the temple, we had dinner along Batu Ferringhi and that was the beginning of the "interesting" bit in my title. Apparently all of us gotten food poisoning so we spent the next 2 days either hibernating or resting in bed. I was one of the few who didn't get it as bad as the rest so I ended up being the driver, driving them to the hospital and buy dinner back for everyone.

Turned out pretty interesting after all. By the time we reached back to KL, everyone ended up taking MC the next day,

At least now, I will definitely stay away from food at Batu Ferringhi!

p.s. I have to thank my colleague Chiaw Yin for saving my laptop from the rain! Apparently at the place where we were staying, whenever it rains, if the windows were not closed, rain water gets in. My laptop was half drenched!


  1. Lol what an eventful trip I must say. But the CKT, no aunty wear goggles meh? Got uncle also?

  2. Plenty of familiar faces - Ivan, Chee Onn, Adrian.... and eeks abt the food poisoning! Looks like twas a fun trip nonetheless :)
