Monday, April 27, 2009

What a busy weekend

The weekend was a busy weekend indeed for me with plenty of activities all lined up and packed. It started with attending a talk at HELP University College on "How to be An Orange". Basically it was mainly targetted on innovation and how to be innovative and the title "How to be an Orange" is meant to explain that in this world where people are comparing apples against apples, how do you be an orange and stand out.

The speaker running through some stuff for the audience to follow to make a point

Once that was done, I had to run errands about the SS2 area which includes sending out a document package via DHL to the states. The funny thing was that when I arrived at the DHL store, it was closed! Apparently the person in charge was out for lunch which left me fuming for about 10 minutes. Worse of all, she didn't even say sorry for being away when she returned and she gave us this "one kind" look. Anyway I sent my documents, paid and left. Nuff sed.

After running errands, I had a meeting at Jaya33 to discuss some matters with Ps. Mike and the meeting took longer than expected so we missed our intended church session then. By the time I got home, I was busy post processing photos till late at night.

Sunday was mainly filled with me doing more work at home up until at night and after that I went for a meeting with @munz to talk about the upcoming event called, Shootfest (ask me what it is). Both Alex and Grace were ever so gracious of hosting the bunch of us!

Here is Jon explaining on some of his design progress.


We even had Ian who attended the meeting virtually via Skype. You can see his face on the wall behind, we projected him! Of course we had a group photo taken but I wasn't allowed to use my iPhone to capture it. Probably because I haven't reached the level of how Chase Jarvis actually captures amazing photos with his iPhone!

If you are wondering what Shootfest is all about, don't worry, more to come!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Random Thoughts

Once in a while I get some random thoughts that I might blog about it or else this would be more of a post where I just give a little update of whats been happening.

I recently signed up to run 10km at the upcoming KL Marathon 2009 which is happening on the 28th of June. This is line with my company's competition where the 5 teams will be competing to see how many kilometers in total each team can cover. I shall contribute 10km to my team. Training started on Tuesday with me running my old route here in Cyberjaya to cover 6km. Plan is to run 6km today and two to three times next week. After that I will slowly increase the distance to 9km and finally to 12km.

Another note that I will be giving a workshop/talk on "Photography" at my company on the 6th of June. This talk and workshop will basically cover the basics of photography and I really can't wait to start working on my slides for them. I plan to use Keynote to present the material so it will be a challenge do me. I guess I can probably work on the slides during my 24 hour flight (+transits) when I head over to Chicago in May. At the same time, I just bought the Keynote Remote application to control my Keynote slides for my iPhone.

Last but not least, I will be attending a talk this Saturday at HELP University College on "How to Become an Orange". Check this link out for more information.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday Clicks

Oh my gosh, its Wednesday and I totally forgot about this post. Nevertheless, it is always better late than never right?

Have a great week ahead, remember, its all the way downhill from here.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Amusing Monday

twitterNow How should one reflect on a Monday morning when the first thing I saw in my email box was this?

Pretty amusing monday ain't it?


Thursday, April 16, 2009

A quirky Wednesday

I had a very interesting day yesterday, so interesting that I definitely needed to just release it here on my blog. The day started normal, after being away for two days to attend training, I had to attend to a pile of emails as well as follow up on my to-do list which I accidentally dated some actions to be done on Monday.

Gym was planned in the evening but it was also the same night where my colleagues would play badminton. So on an impulse, I went and joined them after work. Didn't have my proper badminton shoes so I had to wear my running shoes and it was awful. It was so loose that my toes kept hitting the front and it caused me to have swollen toes at the moment. During the game, it got a little heated (boys being boys and our huge egos), until I decided to dive to save a shot only to have to miss the shuttle and slam right into the pole while tangling up in the mess. This ended me with having bruises to my ankle, thigh and my arm. Ouch. Lesson learnt, wear proper badminton shoes!

Anyway, I still needed to keep my gym appointment and off I went to the gym to meet up with the guys. Did some weights and Boon's version of the ball of doom which is a very ab crunching exercise. Ok, no need to know what I do at the gym, you really don't want to hear what a fat overweight guy does there :P

After a good aching session, we all headed back only for me to find out that I got the locker combination wrong. Seems that if you have those locks with a combination, make sure they are locked when it is kept in your bag, else it might get resetted. So that was what happened to me and I had to get one of the staff to help me cut the lock with a huge ass lock cutter. Believe me, it was that huge!

2nd lessons learnt, never leave a combination lock unlocked in your bag.

It was a real quirky day for me. By the way, I sort of liked Fast & Furious 4.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday Clicks

I can't believe it that I actually went a whole week without any updates and I really dread to see two Wednesday Clicks post back to back in my blog. Nevertheless, I will try updating my blog a little bit more but of course I have been completely busy over the entire weekend.

The Pikom PC Fair was a dissapointment for me, mainly because I expected too much for it and of course the extremely packed exhibition halls as well as countless sales people trying to push flyers in my face to sign up for their broadband/mobile/laptop promotions and coupled with the huge amount of stalls selling printer inks, I guess it was just too much for me. Still, I managed to walk away with a wireless keyboard+mouse set from Microsoft.

Anyway, here are this week's clicks.

A short post this week but I am totally up to my neck with work to complete and goals to accomplish.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday Clicks

I am back again with this week's Wednesday Clicks, last week I decided to actually not post up due to the fact that it was April Fool's day. Nevertheless, its back up again with loads of interesting links.

Have a great week ahead everyone, as they always say, Wednesday, its all downhill from here!

Don't forget to stay updated by subscribing to my RSS feeds or follow me on Twitter.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Awesome Quotes

Here are some interesting quotes of the day. My favourite in particular is the very last one!

Are all choices good?
If your father is a poor man,
it is your fate but,
if your father-in-law is a poor man,
it's your stupidity.

How smart are we?
I was born intelligent -
education ruined me.

Something to tell your coach
Practice makes perfect.....
But nobody's perfect......
so why practice?

Reality stinks! Don't you think so?
If it's true that we are here to help others,
then what exactly are the others here for?

Man I got to try using this phrase
Since light travels faster than sound,
people appear bright until you hear them speak.

Unsolved mysteries
How come "abbreviated" is such a long word?

Common phrase thanks to their adverts
Money is not everything.
There's Mastercard & Visa.

Yumm, my favourite. Try saying this to the WWF
One should love animals.
They are so tasty.

Okay, not that true...
Behind every successful man, there is a woman
And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.

Do all man agree on this? I don't think so
Every man should marry.
After all, happiness is not the only thing in

Now this is funny!
The wise never marry.
and when they marry they become otherwise.

So true and so real
Success is a relative term.
It brings so many relatives.

Its called time management
Never put off the work till tomorrow
what you can put off today.

A common practice during meetings
"Your future depends on your dreams"
So go to sleep

Maybe breakfast in bed, no?
There should be a better way to start a day
Than waking up every morning

Prevention is better than cure
"Hard work never killed anybody"
But why take the risk

Haha, my favourite
"Work fascinates me"
I can look at it for hours

So much for good family
God made relatives;
Thank God we can choose our friends.

Kids, don't try this at home
The more you learn, the more you know,
The more you know, the more you forget
The more you forget, the less you know
So.. why learn.

My dream come true...
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk, I have a work station....
what more can I say........


Monday, April 6, 2009

Bad Ass Coffee?

No, I am not describing the coffee or it's taste but I was walking about at the new Tropicana City Mall yesterday evening together with munZ and Alex and we came upon this store, "Bad Ass Coffee". Totally weird but funny in a way.


The store isn't opened yet but I also spied in the image above that they will be selling some "bad ass thongs"!!!

Now that is totally weird :P


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Whats on my iPhone

I recently learned how to actually take screenshots of my iPhone screen and thanks to that, I can actually post up a post which has been lingering in my mind lately but I just was too darn lazy to actually capture screenies on my phone using my camera!

Anyway before I proceed with the actual post, here is a short tutotial on how to take a screenshot of your iPhone screen. Just click on the two buttons simultaneously as shown on the screenshot below and if your phone is not set to vibrate only, you will hear a shutter click sound (fake shutter of course) and your screen temporarily turning white and fading off.


So thanks to this new trick which I learned (by the way, the image above is definitely not a screenshot!), I happily took some screenshots of my phone.

First one up is the main screen of my phone.


Pretty much everything is standard here except for one application on the bottom right of the screen. To be honest it is not an application but it's actually a link to Google's To-Do list which is integrated in Gmail. What it is, is that its an online to-do list. I have always been trying to have a fully integrated to-do list and this seems to be a useful tool which I am currently experimenting.

Next on my iPhone screen would be my list of applications.


The two most commonly used application I use would be Facebook as well as Twitterfon. Totally ignore that myMaxis link there as it is totally USELESS, why? Because it just brings you to their site where you can "subscribe" to more of their "services" only to pay them more money. It is a total WASTE of time.

I like Facebook because I can actually keep up to date with it on the go.


As well as allow me to take photos with my phone and then upload it directly! Here is a picture of a blurry keyboard I tried taking with my phone.


It totally got blurry when I tried to take a snapshop of me taking a shot.

The other application is Twitterfon. I have become a Twitter addict lately hence the obsessive need to read tweets as well as tweet wherever I am.


If you do have a Twitter account, do add me in here.

Now on to the 3rd page on my phone. As you can see below, its mainly my games page with the except of Skype which is a newly added application.


Previously before this, I never had a Skype account so the only person I have on my Skype list is Ian. Do let me know what your Skype accounts are and I will gladly add you in :)

p.s. I am way too embarrassed to show my Skype list hahahaha

My favourite games would be Simcity and Bejeweled 2 followed by Hells Kitchen. I am already quite bored with the rest as well but I am still in love with Simcity, my city is still halfway built though but its generating enough cash on its own.

Last but not least, it's my blog on Safari. I installed an iPhone plugin which automatically transform this blog into an iPhone friendly site. Check it out below.


And here is a shot of an individual post with an image in it.


Anyway, before signing off, I would like to ask the readers a simple question. What is on your iPhone as well? I would definitely love to find out what are some of the cool (and free!) applications about.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hooray, I Finally Got it!

After months and months of saving up, I finally went and bought myself the following equipment.

  • A Nikon 24-75mm f/2.8 AF-S lens

  • A 2nd hand Nikon D3 body with a shutter count of more than 50k

  • A Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 lens, this lens is my dream lens and I simply adore it

  • A sense of humour to know that I simply can't afford all these stuff and that I wish that this post was up here instead of my usual Wednesday Clicks.

Happy April Fools day everyone!