Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shoot Like A Pro Workshop in KK

Ok, I totally forgot to blog about this especially since it was held way back in January but hey, I am just a couple of months late. Anyway, back in January, I took a trip over to Kota Kinabalu (which was my very first time!) to attend a photography workshop held by Louis Pang. It was a great opportunity to brush up on my photography skills as well as learn again from a wonderful and talented photographer (he is Malaysia's most awarded wedding photographer after all). Speaking of awards, I definitely need to start shooting more and sending photos in for competitions, or else how will I ever overtake the number of awards that Louis has! *wink*

Anyway here are some of the photos that I took whilst I was at the workshop. If you definitely want to know more about his workshops, I really encourage you all to participate in them.

The class was split into 3 teams where each team will be guided by coaches as well as have a model to shoot. I think to me, the one thing that stood out differently this time round is that I got a male model!


There was a time where each person would have a quick 1 to 1 shoot with the model for an exact duration of 3 minutes and it was during those times that I took these shots.





After a classroom style teaching, we moved on to outdoor shooting. Here is Louis teaching us how to shoot with what we have outdoors.


I have to admit that KK has one of the most beautiful sunsets in Malaysia, just look at how awesome it is!


Anyway its about time I get back to work and finish post processing photos! I have two shoots tomorrow so I am looking forward to that!

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