Friday, February 27, 2009

Charge Up 2009 Day 1

Yes I am here now in Penang attending the Charge Up 2009 Conference and this time not as a participant but rather as one of the coaches for the Photography Stream. Every year Livewire Media organizes a conference for the AV folks and this year it is held at the Penang Christian Centre (PCC). There are 3 available streams for all conference delegates, video, audio and photography and all of these streams are taught by experts from the industry themselves.

Here is Choon Ean giving her opening speech about how she fractured her fibula while trying to take photos while paragliding. I won't say what that gesture was ;)


Ps. Victor Wong is our pastor who will be preaching during all the Power Up sessions.


Every day after the Power up sessions in the morning, we will all proceed to individual workshops. Here is Grace teaching the first workshop on exposure.



Ke Wynn who is our head honcho for the photography stream teaches about posing and portraiture as well as lighting.



Ke Wynn was awesome and he is really down to earth. Each time to constantly reminds the participants that you don't need great gear to take great photos. It takes great photographers to take great photos.

Of course during the course of the workshop, Ian decides to have some fun with Joseph's funky stuff.


Here are some of the participants being shot and shooting with a technique using video lights.


My group which I am helping out with on their practical shoot and trying to practice what they have learned in the earlier workshops.


Joseph assisting the rest with the video light and reflector.


And of course, a quick candid of our wonderful bag seller, Jonathan. Jonathan has the most outstanding portfolio that I have seen I am still trying to get him to share with me his thoughts and thinking process behind his shoots.


Ok, I got to get back to class and begin to capture more photos of the participants.


  1. Wow.. sounds like fun! Too bad I can't make it, hopefully the next Charge Up conference.

    The picture with Grace teaching, is that guy sleeping on the far right?

  2. the conference looks really cool. does it open to all christians?

  3. Ian: I have no idea hahaha :P

    Shen: Yes it is open to both Christians and non-Christians :D We have churches from Miri and KK who are also participating as well.

  4. Hey the wide shot looks like the participants are not paying attention! Hahah...makes me look like a bad teacher. :P Anyway, if Ian is referring to BIG Ian (the white guy)... I think he was probably blinking at that time. I didn't notice him sleeping during my session. Or then again, maybe he was good at hiding it! :)

  5. haha, the last pic has a story to it.

    Jon accidentally packed his Canon L lens into one of the bags he sold :)

    Like a buy a LowePro, get an 'L' lens free !
