Friday, January 30, 2009

Overdue Wednesday Clicks

I am completely late for this week's Wednesday Clicks so do forgive me. It has been a hectic couple of days of fun and laughter and catching up with friends. I have two sets of wedding photos to blog about and that should come pretty soon. In the mean time, here are this week's Wednesday Clicks.

This is it for this week's weekly links. Next up, an actual post with more photos!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

I just got back from Malacca and I didn't have internet over there hence the lack of updates including this week's Wednesday Clicks. Hope to get that post up and running after I have some dinner.

One thing I learned was that I didn't know that Celcom offered single day 3G packages where a user can only pay RM6 for a day's usage of their 3G network. Totally awesome!

Maxis, why can't you have something like this??

Wishing everyone a blessed Chinese New Year and may the year of the Ox be a fruitful year for you all.

God bless!


Friday, January 23, 2009

Dennis & Say Wan's Wedding

Yes, I finally delivered to them their photos and their slideshows. I got loads more to post process and I got loads more to process (even during the Chinese New Year holidays). I will be heading back to Malacca from Sunday till Wednesday. Since I know that I might be quite bored there, I have decided to bring back some photos to post process as well as capture some landscape shots by the beach. Wished that I had a tripod though :P

Here are some of my favourite shots from Aik Tong and Say Wan's wedding which I shot together with Ian in December last year.








You can view more photos over here at this post at the Wedding Story's blog.

My apologies for the large photo size which doesn't fit this blog template. Perhaps I should change the template but it would definitely require a lot more work which I don't have that much time at the moment.

Have a great Chinese New Year everyone! For those of you driving back to your respective hometowns, do have a safe drive back.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday Clicks

Update 2: Added a new link :)

Update 1: Thanks for pointing out the broken link, fixed it already

Alright, Nick was right. At the mean time the only thing consistent is this weekly post on some links I think is interesting. Believe me, I want to post more but I am just so short for time, you wouldn't believe how incredibly crazy things have gotten. Here are some interesting links for this week :)

  • Jasmine Star has started teaching photography workshops. So if you are in the US around the 10th of March, that is when her first workshop begins. Its a one day workshop at the cost of USD$750 per pax.

  • Our local wedding photographer, Anna-Rina, has combined her blog and her online portfolio following in the steps of her favourite photog. Check it out here. Her arms are more toned than most guys I know :P

  • Apparently someone found out that a certain individual blared out that "one Malaysian Top Politician was involved in the murder of Altantuya, that Mongolian woman". Check it out here.

  • Nikon has released the 1.01 firmware for the D700 and the 2.01 firmware for the D3.

  • Another lengthy open-letter about the proposed LABU airport.

  • Two of my favourite photographers from the US whom I check out their blog regularly, has published their top 100 engagement photos in 2008. Yes, top 100. That is totally awesome! Do check it out here.

That's all for this week. Back to work work work work work....

I think I've gotten more gray hairs over the past couple of weeks.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wedding Photography Exhibit + Late Wednesday Clicks

I have been busy running some errands today getting photos printed and later setting up some photos for WeddingStory at the Hiplist Photography Exhibit at the Times Bookstore in Pavillion today and tomorrow setting up the photos at the Times Bookstore in Bangsar Shopping Centre.

[caption id="attachment_466" align="alignnone" width="770" caption="Celebrating the Art of Malaysia Wedding Photographers"]Celebrating the Art of Malaysia Wedding Photographers[/caption]

I would like to invite all the readers of this blog to attend the exhibition as well as for a talk I am giving at Pavillion Times Bookstore at 2.00pm on Sunday. The talk will be for couples who are looking to hire a wedding photographer and I will be sharing with them on what they should look out for in a photographer. Also, there are RM500 vouchers and discounts available in goodie bags.

Then at the same time I am busy post processing a lot of photos (in the thousands) as well as balancing my need to study for my PMP Certification. I got two text books, one containing about 500 plus pages and another study guide which is 600 pages thick. It has been like almost 5 years since I last studied for an exam and it is definitely not going to be an easy task.

I missed this week's wednesday clicks so I am incorporating a little bit of that into this post as well. I was held up at training the entire day and then had to rush to KL for another meeting. By the time I got home past midnight so I already missed my Wednesday clicks. Anyway here are some interesting links this week.

  • Yes, the annual ChargeUp Conference is back again and registration has opened. This conference changed my life especially in the area of media. This was where it all began for my life in photography. This time it is held in Penang and yes, there will be a photography stream available!

  • It is not very often you get to see a wedding photographer's portrait session being taken let alone seeing them in front of the camera instead of behind it.

  • Of course this is big news in Malaysia, do we really need a 4th airport at Labu?

  • Obama's official portrait has just been released, and it is the first time it was shot with a digital camera.


Friday, January 9, 2009

No I am not MIA

Contrary to what Nick says, I do not just blog my usual Wednesday Clicks. Unfortunately it is currently the peak season of my life where I am just swamped with work from the office as well as thousands of photos that I need to post process and deliver to the client before the Chinese New Year. So time is of the essence for me and I will be busy post processing photos from thousands of feet above sea level. Well truthfully, I am just post processing them on my flight towards Kota Kinabalu to attend Louis' workshop tomorrow.

This time I managed to poison munZ to attend the workshop as well with her brand new Nikon D40. I will be loaning her my flashes throughout the workshop as I have two flashes.

Right now as I am sitting here at the LCCT departure lounge, I am a little bit irritated that although they may have provided enough power points throughout the terminal, not all of them are working. Surprisingly the Wifi network here is very good and the internet speed is very fast as compared to the usual slow speeds I got at Starbucks today.

My flight is going to board soon, time to sign-off and conserve that much needed battery energy I need when I am on the plane.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday Clicks

Here are this week's Wednesday Clicks with some interesting links to some various sites. Its the first Wednesday Clicks for 2009 so here is to a great year ahead with more interesting news and titbits from around.

  • For you pixel peepers, check out some stunning photos taken with the new Nikon D3x here from our neighbours up north. For one thing, I am extremely impressed with the quality of the photos. They just look amazing!

  • Another site to compare images between various cameras (Canon, Nikon, Sony and the list continues).

  • Find out more about this free software to shoot tethered with Nikon here.

  • An interesting article which highlights MCA and where they stand.

  • If you haven't found out, YL Camera, that awesome camera store based at Pudu Plaza has launched their website. I wanted to announce this previously but their website wasn't updated but now I see a whole slew of lenses available for purchase there.

  • Having a dual screen whilst working on photos/videos is awesome right? Now ever wondered if you could have a dual screen on-the-go? Well look no further, the Lenovo ThinkPad W700 might just be the solution for you. Check it out here.

  • Looking for a RSS aggregator? I recommend Google Reader.

  • Google's Picasa is now available for Macs! Download it here.

  • Apple has released their new unibody 17" Macbookpro at the MacWorld conference. Other new items include iWork 09 and iLife 09. Also iTunes now deliver DRM free tunes to you. In terms of its released, rumours were that the iPhone Nano might make its debut.

Alright, that is it for this week. I am still way too busy trying to manage every available time I have to post process photos and get them delivered before the Chinese New Year. Please be patient with me ya? Thanks!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year and Reflections of 2008

The year has come and gone, the next thing I know I am being ushered into the next year with plenty of uncertainties roaming about my head. Uncertainties in life and uncertainties in what I do. Just about a month ago I thought I knew exactly what I was going to do but evidently now that it is the first day of the new year, I don't really know what am I supposed to do.

Should I continue in the cycle of what I call a daily routine or should I start rethinking, revisiting and reflecting on what I really want to do. Why I say that I enter 2009 with uncertainties is because I ended 2008 with loads of questions left unanswered.

Firstly, I don't really know where I will be heading to after I leave my exisiting project. This is totally entirely up to me to find out as well as check up on the senior execs in my firm to see if there are positions available in other projects. The next uncertainty would be for me to then consider whether to choose a role because of availability (times are bad now and 2009 has been predicted to be worse) or to choose a role which would help me in my promotion readiness.

The other uncertainty is because of my job allocation, shooting weddings might become a problem because I might be moved to a project overseas or even just here. With that in mind, I am quite hessitant to take any jobs in the coming month of January but thank God that it is also the Chinese New Year period so there aren't that many at the moment.

I guess when I look back at 2008, I feel that I have underachieved, I felt that I could have done more, done it better and done it more efficiently. Of course 2008 was a blast but when I look back at several areas of my life, I can't help but feel that I have let people down, couldn't achieve my targets and realised that I have strayed away for a very very long time. What went wrong?

As I continue the next couple of days to reflect upon 2008, I know I have to move forward and to achieve more, be better and buck up for 2009. What happened in 2008 will be a lesson for me and I will definitely want to make sure that if 2008 was good, 2009 will be legendary! Or so Barney Stinson might say.

Of course not everything turned out bad in 2008. There were several key important moments that have left a mark in my life such as shooting a very interesting wedding in Phuket in April 08, managed to shoot with Malaysia's most awarded photographer, joined the WeddingStory team, completed a very important project for my client, had a blast playing in the company band at our company trip, and met up with friends from the past and helped built relationships.

2009 will be a great year, 2009 will be one that I hope to achieve more.

Here's to a great and wonderful 2009!

Have an excellent and blessed new year!