Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An event I shot a couple of weeks back

In one of my earlier blog post, I mentioned that I was caught on camera while shooting an event. Over the weekend, Louis asked me a question, "So Mark, have you been shooting a lot lately?". Well frankly, I was rather shy to say that my last wedding shoot was in July and my last event shoot was in September. Over the span of the last couple of months, I only shot those events.

Because of that, I have come to realise that I haven't been really posting up photos anywhere, whether it may be in the forums or even on my blog! So I took the extra effort and reduced the amount of my sleeping time to post up some of the photos I took at an event.

From the first photo itself, you would know that this event isn't really for guys. Unless those of you who are willing to sponsor me a nice gift pack frtom La Mer.

Of course, La Mer wasn't the only ones there as the images above suggests. It was an event, specifically for females on grooming themselves in a professional world. Bobbi Brown was there together with their host of make-up artists, explaining to all participants on how to select the right colour to use for their make-ups.

Each participant has their own set of equipment/make-up tools to use and try out. This was used together with the help of not just one make-up artists but by an entire team!

Bobbi Brown really went all out in helping all participants and dolling them up and teaching them all sort of valuable techniques. I won't say what sort of techniques of course but it has something to do with hiding stuff.

Besides the two companies mentioned above, we also had representatives from Raoul/FJ Benjamin to present tips on workplace dressing and proper dressing for the right occasion.

Tried to practice some shots of when a bride is getting ready during the event of course :)

Some candid shots taken during the event as well.

And finally,  shot of the professional photographer that was supposed to shoot the "before" and "after" shots of the participants, look, he uses a Nikon too! The other photographer on the left shot the photo of me in my other post.

Overall the event proved to be a huge success IMHO and I guess that they might just make this a yearly event.