Friday, October 31, 2008

Teaser: Lian Hoy & Ivy

Just a little teaser of a wedding I shot last week at Renaissance Hotel. Congratulations to both Lian Hoy & Ivy!

[caption id="attachment_294" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Wedding dinner march-in"]Wedding dinner march-in[/caption]

More to come, stay tuned!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Busy weekend and busy week ahead

Update: I finally managed to add Twitter in here, from the looks of it, my last update was a long while ago!

I had an extremely busy weekend with a full day wedding shoot (photos to be posted up soon) on Saturday from morning till night and then scooting off to Tioman Island on Sunday and finally returning on Monday. Although it might seem that being in Tioman would be relaxing, it was nothing short of that as I had many activities, late nights and of course, watching Liverpool win over the weekend.

Lian Hoy & Ivy's wedding was awesome as it marked the first of my group of high school friends who had gotten married. It was doubly special for me to be able to capture their special day as well as their main photographer and also receive some positive feedback and comments from the express slideshow which was shown during the dinner event.

Now I will be busy at work trying to chase people up to complete their work during this week as well as prepare for this weekend for another shoot. So many things to do with so little time, I need to really balance work and life now!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The middle of the week - Setting New Targets

Its already the middle of the week and here I am checking my schedule for the upcoming weeks and all I can think about is how can I juggle my time for all those activities. Firstly work has started to pile up and I have deadlines in the next couple of weeks which I definitely need to meet as well as clear up before I head over for 3 weeks of training (something I do look forward to and no, I am not being trained but I will be giving training instead as part of my criteria as a people developer).

Other areas which might take up more of my time would be the amount of photos I will need to process, starting from the wedding I shot last weekend and the next three weddings I will be shooting for the next 3 weekends. I definitely need to streamline my workflow and change some of my habits already. So how should I be able to track my habits or track some sort of KPI (key performance indexes)?

Hence, I shall state all of my targets and habit changes here on this blog and keep track of my progress over the next month.

  1. Wake up early and be in the office before 8.30am (I would probably need to wake up at 7.15am at the very latest)

  2. Complete 3 sets of 20 push-ups and 20 sit-ups every day (the number of push-ups and sit-ups will increase as the weeks go by)

  3. Practice hitting at least 200 balls at the driving range (excluding lessons) twice a week

  4. Stop eating fast food and soft drinks (excluding 100plus) for the next 2 months

At least with a healthier lifestyle, I can probably last the day without feeling so tired as well as have enough energy to keep me disciplined enough to process my photos and deliver them in a timely manner as well. Also I will definitely benefit from a healthier lifestyle in the long run. Anyway it has been way overdue on this matter as I am a super procastinator.

I hope that everyone here who reads this post will help me to keep accountable on what I have stated above. Will update everyone in my next post to see if I have accomplished any of my targets.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How Apple keeps us wanting more!

Another 6 months have passed since I've gotten my MacBook Pro and now Apple is at it again, releasing a whole new line of MacBook Pros and MacBooks. This time, there were some big changes for the MacBook line. First of all, Apple has shed their desire for white plastic electronic items in every household, only to replace them with a greener and slicker looking aluminium finish.

The new MacBook shown above

Several changes can easily be spotted starting with the black bordered LCD screens and wait a minute, the new MacBook looks like the younger sibbling of the MacBook Pro.

I bet you can't tell the difference between the two photos here!

In previous designs, the MacBook was distinguished as a fashion icon whilst the MacBook pro has always been designed for a classy and yet professional look. While that still remains the fact, the new fashion statement in notebooks these days are simplistic design with a hint of minimalistic touch and yet boasting enough features to blow the average consumer's mind away.

New improvements include having the DVD slot moved from the front to the side in order to cater for it's new battery design and easy removability as well as upgrade options to include a SSD drive. Another new feature which I think is extremely useful is the battery indicator.

Another new item which caught my eye is the new 24" Apple Cinema display. Of course designed in theme with the new notebooks, the ACD is sporting a black border as well with the theme that it was designed with MacBooks in mind.

The advert shows it all!

Judging from the size, this is something I am really interested in but of course I shall wait for a full and comprehensive review on it about it's colour and image processing performance.

With all of these new radical changes, Apple continues to be the market leader (IMHO) in gadget designs which are known to be iconic. From the 1st generation iPod to the early days of the Macbook, Apple continues to impress me. The only downside was that rumours did say that Apple might release a sub $899 notebook but the only news was that the older Macbook stock would be sold off at $999 instead. If Apple did manage to release a sub-$899 Macbook, I can easily see Apple grabbing larger pieces of the notebook market share.

More details on the MacBook and MacBook Pro can be found here.

Image source:


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An event I shot a couple of weeks back

In one of my earlier blog post, I mentioned that I was caught on camera while shooting an event. Over the weekend, Louis asked me a question, "So Mark, have you been shooting a lot lately?". Well frankly, I was rather shy to say that my last wedding shoot was in July and my last event shoot was in September. Over the span of the last couple of months, I only shot those events.

Because of that, I have come to realise that I haven't been really posting up photos anywhere, whether it may be in the forums or even on my blog! So I took the extra effort and reduced the amount of my sleeping time to post up some of the photos I took at an event.

From the first photo itself, you would know that this event isn't really for guys. Unless those of you who are willing to sponsor me a nice gift pack frtom La Mer.

Of course, La Mer wasn't the only ones there as the images above suggests. It was an event, specifically for females on grooming themselves in a professional world. Bobbi Brown was there together with their host of make-up artists, explaining to all participants on how to select the right colour to use for their make-ups.

Each participant has their own set of equipment/make-up tools to use and try out. This was used together with the help of not just one make-up artists but by an entire team!

Bobbi Brown really went all out in helping all participants and dolling them up and teaching them all sort of valuable techniques. I won't say what sort of techniques of course but it has something to do with hiding stuff.

Besides the two companies mentioned above, we also had representatives from Raoul/FJ Benjamin to present tips on workplace dressing and proper dressing for the right occasion.

Tried to practice some shots of when a bride is getting ready during the event of course :)

Some candid shots taken during the event as well.

And finally,  shot of the professional photographer that was supposed to shoot the "before" and "after" shots of the participants, look, he uses a Nikon too! The other photographer on the left shot the photo of me in my other post.

Overall the event proved to be a huge success IMHO and I guess that they might just make this a yearly event.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What if your father did this?

Okay, I am a high school student in my final year. My dad, used to be a principal of the school I am studying in. As a young and ambitious individual, I have decided to run for class president. Running against me is actually the son of the current high school principal. Some may say that the other candidate has the favour of his father (current headmaster), but me being “kiasu”, I wanted to run and win.

Against many adversities, I tried to overcome "sabotage" and "espionage" attempts against me by getting other students not to talk to me or even meet up with me. Now, tired and exhausted, morale is at an all time low and any sort of encouragement would be a real benefit to me who needs that all time emotional and mental boost. Of all things one would expect of a father would be the support but alas to my own shock and amazement, that wasn’t the case.

Instead of receiving morale support, I find out that my dad went on ahead and published online that he thinks the other candidate (whose father is the current principal) would win, hands down, the class president seat and that the other candidate would arise all adversities by using various tactics. Nothing was mentioned about me except that I was also contesting the seat.

Anyway the story above isn’t about me nor do I have anything against my dad but what really shocked me was this posting here by a very similar situation.
Although my son will be contesting I have no doubt Khairi will win hands down.

Ouch, the truth does hurt, doesn't it?