Thursday, September 4, 2008

Since I have been away

Woah, I just realised that lots of things have occurred since my last post which contained words. And not just anything but major important things which might make an impact in the very environment that I am most active in.

Anwar Wins in Permatang Pauh

Of course the biggest news is that Anwar is back as a MP in our parliament after his huge win in Permatang Pauh. That is by now old news and everyone is kept in suspense as they await the exciting day of the 16th of September. Pretty interesting articles have floated about mentioning about this particular date and since it is only 2 weeks away, I will too be kept in suspense on the outcome. What does it really matter to me? Well for one thing, if rumours are true then Malaysia might see a new government. Else, I pray that reforms will take place and our country focuses on helping the people and gaining back the trust of foreign investors.

Malaysia Today Blocked by MCMC

Our local blog/news site has been blocked by the folks at MCMC with the claim that the content is against article blah blah and MCMC has requested that all ISPs block this particular website to the Malaysian people. Alternate mirror sites have since surfaced but everyone is just waiting to see if anything will be done. Local politicians has already disagreed on the move to block this site. My thoughts on this? To be frank, both sides have a point and we can argue the same way when MCMC blocked those phishing sites. The reason why I am on the fence in this matter is because no matter how much it is being blocked, the alternative sites are up and still accessible.

Mobile Number Portability

This has been long awaited as previously a lot of people are "lazy" to switch over to another network even though the deals are cheaper and better is because they are just too "malas" to update their contacts that they have switched numbers. With this, price wars between our telcos can be a real benefit to the people. I am still awaiting for that iPhone 3G to arrive in Malaysia, only then can I make an even more informed decision then.

Google Releases Chrome

A new browser is in the market and its made by Google. To find out more about the browser, do check out this article here where a good comparitive is made against IE7, FireFox and Safari. The review includes benchmarks and performance tests so its a good baseline for now. I haven't installed it on my home PC at home nor can I install it on my work PC so I can't really give a good review on the new software.

Mark starts golf

Actually I am rather new in this whole sport of golf and since it has been rather quiet lately, I managed to squeeze in my first session of golf on the green at UPM. Frankly, I sucked at the game and hit 171 over 18 holes. Being very honest, we counted every hit hence the extremely high score. The next round showed some slight improvement with me hitting 73 for the first 9 holes but I couldn't finish the last 9 holes because we got rained out. Tips I learned would be to bring at least 3 sets of clothes to change a big towel.

Other than all of these, its work work work and more work for me. The busy period of shooting is coming soon so I need to be prepared for that. Till the next post!