Sunday, July 6, 2008

12,000 unique hits!!

Yes that is right, just hit 12,000 unique hits over the past year!! Now, to me that is awesome as I always wanted a website that had visibility around and I do hope that more visitors will drop by and leave comments as well as enjoy the articles that I have to share as well as some of my photos.

In the mean time, I just returned from a long workshop over the weekend.

I am sure the image above says it all. I will definitely blog a little more about it when I get some sleep. After this weekend, I am truly confident that I can deliver my photos faster to my clients already. Watch out for some of my emails.

Until then, I need some sleep.


  1. i heard it was a workshop beyond PS! a bit regret i didnt go tho... should ask Louis to do another round next year. :)

  2. Yes it wasn't just about PS, it was about the entire workflow from your CF card to the delivered goods. Then a huge part was about the business side of things and marketing and we had a guest speaker, Alex Lam from Integricity Corporation ( who had a talk on website and building a presence online. The good part of that as well was how he would check out each of our websites and then will get back to us on ways we can improve on it.
