Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"The Best Firefox Yet"

"The Best Firefox Yet" screams the title on the page of Mozilla's latest offering to their web browser, Firefox 3. With features such as 15,000 improvements and also faster surfing, everyone is of course interested in finding out just how fast the improvements are and what are the newer features.

Firefox 3

Being available for download a week ago, I decided to put hold on this blog post about Firefox 3 until I have tried it for a while before writing this post.

To me, its just another browser which I do hope that it is more reliable and more secure as I do plenty of online activities such as buying cinema tickets online as well as my personal banking activities. Although I haven't really had the time to test them out, there are a lot of new tips and tricks with this new version of the browser.

At the mean time, I haven't really noticed much improvement in terms of sites loading because of my erratic internet connection back home where sometimes its blazing fast and sometimes its just crawling. Also I can't really test it out at work as the connection speeds here are very fast and its not easy to just perform some tests (thought I would like but I can't install anything on my work laptop).

The one thing which I thought was an improvement is that the fact the "Back" button is bigger, hence I can easily press back faster. Other than that, the one thing I like about the new browser is that when I sort my bookmarks by name, it actually groups RSS links and normal links separately. Previously I would have a folder in my bookmark with all the RSS links and some random links here and there. Whenever I did a sort by name on that folder, it just sorts everything by name. Now it separates them which is better!

Anyway, if you are already a Firefox user, this upgrade will be worthwhile. Else if you are still using Safari on a Mac, there are reports that Java still loads faster on Safari as compared to Firefox 3. The article goes on to say that if you are already comfortable with Safari, maybe it might not be a push to migrate over to Firefox.

p.s. I just installed Firefox 3 on all my PC's at home lest for one more.