Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter everyone, better late than never!

Early today, someone came up to me and wished me, "Happy Easter". I for one am not particularly used to being wished that. Then it hit me that how far I might have been from the whole truth about the resurrection of Jesus on this day some 2000 years ago. Why has it not been that significant in my life right now, these very thoughts came about me and I sat down and realised that I have been filled with too many things other than God. Career mindedness has crept into my inner most thoughts as well as photography and the mixture of life and where is mine moving towards.

Most of today was spent in church, shooting the dedication service where we finally dedicated the Dream Centre as well as shooting the dedication dinner as well. There were plenty of people and a huge crowd. The sheer number of tables available were far more than that I have seen at any wedding so it was a huge thing. It really didn't start well when I arrived at church as the clouds were turning black and thunder was echoing about but God was in definite control. I said to Ps. Mike when I walked into the church compound, "Looks like rain, huh?" and his reply hit me back, "Don't believe what you see". He was absolutely right, God was in total control. Not only did it not rain, there was a slight hint of a drizzle during dinner and when a group started praying, even the small drizzle stopped. God is totally awesome.

After dinner, I had the wonderful pleasure of getting teased at because Liverpool was down by a goal against Man Utd and by the time I finished watching the entire match at my cell member's condo, it was absolutely horrid. Liverpool lost by 3 goals to nothing and all I could do was sulk in a corner. Well, I didn't really sulk that much but I guess it was what I expected from a 10-men Liverpool team.

As I drove home, rain started pouring down like there was no tomorrow. This is what is expected from a God who is almighty, everything is in accordance to His timing. I sit down now in front of my computer, while I write this, all I can think is that God sent us his one and only son, Jesus to this earth who died on Good Friday and rose again 3 days later on Easter Sunday. It is not about chocolate eggs or the easter bunny but how God has sent His son to save mankind. This is what needs to be in my head and everything else will definitely make more sens.

Its going to be a busy week, plenty of work to complete and meetings to catch up. Doubt I might have time to take a couple of swings at some golf balls at the driving range though but hopefully I can find the time to exercise as the KL International Marathon is next week! And no, I haven't been training at all.