Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Random Post #2

Update: To make matters even worse, my building now has Unifi all the way till the 12th floor and the top floor (27th floor) has Unifi whilst I have to wait until the rest of the building gets Unifi. I really don't know why they just can't do the entire building at once.

[caption id="attachment_2441" align="alignnone" width="221" caption="Unifi hates me :("]Unifi hates me :([/caption]

Merry Christmas everyone and happy holidays! Its the end of the year and I still haven't been able to get my Unifi up and ready. Apparently promises made by TM are rather empty as they have promised to contact me when Unifi is available but they haven't (I know its available because someone on the 8th floor has Unifi already in my apartment and its stated on their website!).

When they finally did inform me that I can register with them, I probably gave them my details for about 4-5 times and yet they still get my address wrong. Now their latest promise to contact me in regards to the installation date. That was last week on Thursday and I have yet to receive any call from them to schedule an appointment.

Thanks to the lack of an internet connection, its hard to blog let alone go online most of the time as my Maxis broadband crawls at an incredibly slow speed. Maxis on the other hand seem to be emulating TM as well! Yesterday I called their helpdesk to report of extremely slow internet connection and was put on hold several times because the operator didn't know how to do basic trouble shooting for Macs. While I was put on hold, the line disconnected and they didn't even bothered calling back. Another call to their hotline brought me back to another operator which I had to go through all the hassle again.

I bet by the time 2020 comes, we wouldn't see much improvements. Heck, everytime I call any of them, TM or Maxis, it always start with an automated message saying "This conversation may be recorded to help us further improve". I wonder if there is anyone take the effort to even go through these recordings and figure out if there is something wrong with their helpdesk.

Unfortunately I do know how these callcentres operates and their KPI's are always measured by the number of call tickets they receive and close within a set amount of time stated in their SLA. Unfortunately again that they can close the ticket without even resolving the issue and state that the customer is "satisfied" or problem is resolved.

Now if only it wasn't so much of a monopoly here.

Ok, time to end the ranting, its the end of the year and hey, I look forward to next year. Hopefully with a stable internet connection.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Random Update #1

I've got quite a number of blog posts which have been sitting in draft mode for the longest time! And to include that in, I've got a number of photo folders filled with RAW images which have been crying for my attention but most of the time, that has sort of eluded me. I guess its the end of the year where I've got a lot of things to clear up.

It is also the peak season whereby everyone is getting married so most of my weekends are used up for wedding shoots. The lack of a permanent internet connection at home is also another factor. Yes, I have been bugging TM non-stop of when Unifi will be installed in my apartment.

In September I asked them, they replied October

In October I asked them, they replied November

In November I asked them, they replied December

In November I tried asking them twice and even lied that I said a contractor came and installed it for my neighbour, their only response was that I was lying and it is not in their system. In my defence, the contractor did say that Unifi was available (but he was installing a phone line for another unit and not Unifi) and even TM Marketing called me to inform me that Unifi was available.

In December I called them, they replied at the end of the month.

I might as well give up soon, still have to rely on my Maxis Broadband connection instead.

The iPad was launched in Malaysia last week, loads of people got it and I saw a huge crowd around it at Epicenter at Pavilion last night. Still, I wonder, what can it really be used for? I started a thread at a local forum and judging from the responses I get, most people tend to agree with me that in terms of business wise, unless your company has applications which supports it, most of the time, its mainly used for leisure. Mine has kept me entertained especially on long flights, bus rides and while waiting.

iOS 4.2 was also released for the iPad and I am really glad that I can reduce the number of pages that I have and organize everything in folders. Downside is that I really did see a drop in terms of my battery performance as I have applications running in the background which I forget to kill.

So if you have an iPad, what do you use your iPad for?