Monday, September 28, 2009

Basic Photography & Videography Workshops

Short Update: The Basic Photography workshop is to be held on the 11th of October instead of the 25th of October. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

The team at Wedding Story / Integricity Visuals is coming up with 2 interesting workshops in the month of October - the Basic Photography and Videography workshop. If you are an amateur, just getting into the world of photography or just interested in the art of videography, do sign up for our upcoming workshops. These workshops are conducted by Lim Kee Sitt, Mark Leo and Grace Tan. We look forward to seeing you there! Click on the images below to see a larger version.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="850" caption="Videography workshop"]Videography workshop[/caption]

Seats are limited so sign up quick!

To sign up, please email all inquiries or forms to grace.tan [at] with the following details:

Mobile Number:
Email Add:
Website (if any):
What you'd like to sign up for (video preview, photo workshop, video workshop):
What camera gear do you own:


Sunday, September 27, 2009

So what happened lately?

Just a short post this time round while I recuperate from a busy week as well as food poisoning after traveling to Penang last weekend and driving through 8 hours of traffic (together with everyone else travelling up North for the Raya holidays). At the end of the week, I took a day off to check out Jerry Ghionis' seminar. This is what I learned, just on Friday.

There were more than 130 participants.

I think there is going to be a change in the industry. It all starts with us!

Jerry Ghionis in KL

Of course, both Ian and Grace had to join him on stage as well!

Jerry Ghionis in KL

Had dinner with a bunch of photographers after the seminar which lasted almost for 12 hours.

I found out that when it comes to food, photographers are shy! There were 9 of us, 10 soup dumplings on the table and after dinner, there were 3 left because everyone was too shy to take the dumplings.

I found out that Park Royal serves Haagen Daaz ice cream in their lunch buffet!

Bought a number of products which were very useful in yesterday's shoot.

I found out that I haven't blogged much so I prepared some photos ready to be posted up.

I need more sleep, but am glad I managed to satisfy Ian's cravings for "bak kut teh". He really is like a pregnant women, always got cravings for certain type of food whenever he is up in KL.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

Wishing everyone a very "Selamat Hari Raya" this weekend! Have a great weekend and stay safe on the roads.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chi Wern & Chin Ling's Wedding

It has been a while since I have blogged about weddings I've shot and I definitely have a lot of photos all stored up in my hard disk at home waiting to be posted online. I think I shall go with the thinking that it is always "better late than never". Before I continue ranting about things which should have been, let me start the post up.

To be frank, it wasn't really a wedding as both Chi Wern and Chin Ling got married in Singapore the week before but they had a vow renewal session here in Malaysia so that friends and family in Malaysia will not be missed out.





His best man, flew all the way back from London to be a part of this happy occasion!




The groom's mum looking over the happy couple.


As I mentioned in the beginning, it was a renewal of vows, so the ceremony was a little different. I will let you see if you can spot the difference.




Once the entire ceremony was over, it was time for the bride and groom to head out.


Where we then proceeded to take a couple of shots before the tea ceremony.




Dinner was held on the same day as the church ceremony but there was time in between to take a break.




When you have friends helping you out as your emcees, you definitely have to expect them to play some games with you on stage.


Games like asking the groom to feel several hands and ask him to identify the bride's hand.


As well as getting the bride to feel for her husband's hair as well among other guys.



This is one of the very rare occasion where I managed to capture the cork in the frame as well. Talk about being lucky :)


The best man giving his toast, the funny thing is that I gave the 3rd toast as well! Yes, me, the photographer who is also an old childhood friend of the groom. Unfortunately there wasn't anyone there to capture me giving the toast :P



The night ended with a blast and I definitely had loads of fun shooting their wedding. It was just totally awesome! The feeling was different because there were so many familiar faces and when you know the guests, it becomes a little more personal .


Friday, September 11, 2009

Being a 2nd Shooter

I recently read a post over at Jasmine Star's blog where her husband, JD, talked about being a 2nd shooter. In case you all are unaware that I am actually one of WeddingStory's 2nd shooter and I do 2nd shoot for other photographers as well, I thought that this post came about as very real and useful for those of you out there who wants to be 2nd shooters as well.

Note that the words in "italic" were taken from the blog post on Jasmine Star's recent entry.
10. Dress Appropriately
Don't be afraid to ask the main photographer what to wear on the wedding day. Some weddings are casual, others more formal. The most important thing is to always be a reflection of the main photographer's attire and blend in with guests as much as possible. I always dress according to the Three Piece Rule: Wearing a tie/jacket/pants or tie/vest/pants...and I guess a jacket/shirt/pants works as well, but Jasmine definitely prefers a tie!

This is one point I totally agree with it. I really dislike shooters who dress so casually for a wedding shoot looking scruffy and untidy! Come on, the bride and groom are dressed so nicely and their guests are all dressed up, coming up for a shoot in your t-shirt and jeans and slippers totally makes you look unprofessional as well as you make the main photographer look bad. Unless the theme of the wedding is jeans and casual wear. But the best possible solution is to follow what the main photographer wears, no, not exactly the same (I don't wear a dress and shoot!). If the main photographer is going to be in all black, don't come wearing a chicken suit or a fluorescent glow-in-the-dark shirt (no matter how cool it looks). The keyword is be professional.
9. Same Day Slideshow
If the main photographer creates a same-day slideshow to display at the reception, make sure and find a nearby work station (i.e. chair and outlet). I usually find a place just outside of the reception so we can hear what's going on and be easily accessible.

Now this is a very subjective matter especially if the main photographer is going to show their same day slide show at the reception area rather than during the dinner event itself. Help set up the slideshow either by preparing the laptop or DVD and making sure that it runs well before the dinner starts. This can be done either with the help of the audio visual crew (usually at the hotel) and the key is to do a couple of test runs. The last thing you want is for the wrong slideshow to be played from the laptop or the DVD just doesn't work. Also, don't get too engrossed watching the slide show and feeling good when you see your photos being displayed. You might just miss the moment capturing the guest's reaction.
8. Gather the Family
It's so important to help the main photographer during family formal photos. There's a really short amount of time to execute the photos, so be sure to find grandma and Uncle Kevin (who's usually at the bar) so the entire group isn't waiting for one person.

Group shots are always the hardest especially when there is a large crowd. People will be talking and the noise levels just go insane. This is where you can definite help the main photographer to help organize the group, assist the guests by guiding them where to stand so that their faces can be captured and not just part of their ears. You can also help prepare the next group waiting to be photographed or carry lighting equipment during this time.
7. Taking Care of Vendors
During a wedding day, I usually don't have time to cultivate friendships, but I always make sure to include every vendor throughout the day. If they need anything, I offer assistance. If the vendor dinner is served, I try to make sure everyone knows. It's small things that ensure everyone feels like we're on the same team...and there's a high probability we'll work together again in the future, so make sure to have everyone's back.

Definitely a good tip, getting to know the vendors is a great way to widen your network and your connections and offering your assistance can be beneficial as well. But constantly be aware of the time you assist so that you don't forget your main job. The last thing you want to do is either quarreling with the videographer or worse, the wedding planner! Remember, what goes around comes around. A little help always goes a long way.
6. Offer to Carry Bags
I'm kinda particular about this because it reminds me of my role as a second make life easier for the main shooter. I'm not saying every second photographer MUST carry the bags, but it's nice to offer. I always carry and maintain the main photo bag on wedding days and I know Jasmine appreciates it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with helping to carry bags! Although I definitely need to learn to balance that together with my own bags but whenever the team is moving from various locations and when the main photographer is taking portraits, offer to carry all the equipment and bags.
5. Get Water
Here in Southern California, peak wedding season is during the hottest time of the year, so keeping ourselves hydrated is very important. I always make sure Jasmine has a cold glass of water waiting for her: 1. Before the ceremony; 2. After the ceremony; and 3. After cocktail hour. Usually these are the hottest (and most stressful) times outdoors because there's so much juggling going on for her. Every time she finishes her glass, she's recharged (and in a better mood!).

Water is very important especially when you work in Malaysia where humidity levels are usually off the charts. I usually like to buy extra bottles of mineral water before any shoot which helps keep everyone hydrated throughout the day. Its not guaranteed that you might have easy access to water all day so preparing water beforehand is really useful and helpful for the team. Just over last weekend I had to thank Nigel for constantly bringing water for both me and Grace. It was godsend!
4. Smile
Jasmine usually has to remind me of this one...and when she does, I usually give her a sarcastic smile. In all honesty, I know she's right. Jasmine reminds me that guests are looking at us even when we don't realize it and we're a reflection of the bride's desire of have us document her dream day. If we look hot, unhappy, tired, or annoyed, it'll be a poor reflection on our brand. I'll admit is sometimes hard to smile after hearing
We Are Family...I've got all my sisters with me! for the thousandth time that month, but I then smile knowing Jasmine's probably off dancing with the DJ! (just kidding...i had to throw this in here!)

Constantly be happy, a good impression to your guests as well as to your clients (ala the bridge and groom). What JD mentioned above is absolutely true, do you want to be known as the "grumpy photographer" around? Smile!
3. Find New Angles
Don't shoot over the main photographer's shoulder! When I first started shooting with Jasmine, I shot behind her and captured--basically--the same photo as she did. Okay, just not as cool. She finally explained that she didn't need another version of her photo...she needs an entirely photo of the same moment. I'll admit this is harder than it seems, but I know she appreciates creativity and a different photo from the exact same moment.

Being a second shooter might depend on your level of skill and what the main photographer would want you to capture. Sometimes I have been given the tasks to take all the official shots, meaning the cake cutting, pouring of the champagne, capturing the official shots of the tea ceremony where I have to get everyone in the shot whilst the main photographer will capture the artistic shots. Other times I get to do both so its good to find different angles, different locations. For example, if your main photographer is shooting downstairs, why not try to take a shot from upstairs (only if that is available but you can change the context to a low and high angle).
One of the first weddings we photographed together, we had another photographer tag along with us. The night was flowing nicely until I overheard the third shooter pass his/her business card to a wedding guest...and passed his/her studio name along. I can't explain how rude this is. On a wedding day, a second and third photographer is just accompanying photographer to the main photographer's studio. If a guest asks for a business card from a second shooter (which happens often!), the second shooter should
always pass along the main photographer's business card. Period. The end.

I've actually experienced this quite a number of times before where I have been second shooting for another photographer and when the guests seen some of the photos especially after the slideshow was shown, the one thing I always ensure is that you carry cards of the main photographer around to pass it. If you don't have, kindly tell the guest that you will get back to them with the card (which is what I do most of the time). Giving your own card really does portray you in a very bad light.
1. Leave Ego at the Door
This one doesn't need much of an explanation as it's more a rule for life in general. Just remember, as a second shooter, your number one goal is to shoot the best you can and make the main photographer's life easier...even if it means missing the best photo opportunities at the wedding. Yes, everyone prefers to shoot the bride getting ready, the bride and groom portraits, and getting the First Kiss standing in the center of the aisle. But chances are, it ain't gonna be like that. So own what you got and make it work. In the words of my main photographer and mentor,
"Just be FABULOUS!" ;)

If you got an assignment to do, make sure you can complete it to the requirements that were given to you. I know everyone wants to create those beautiful shots but if your job is to help carry bags, swap lenses and carrying lighting equipment, do it well and don't sulk. If your job is to take group photos and get the photos printed, do it to your best ability and with the right ATTITUDE!

With all of my comments, I believe that every one of us is constantly learning and it is through the right ATTITUDE that we can excel in what we hope to achieve.

If you want to read another article written by another assistant, I was quite lucky when today's guest blog on Kelby's blog was from Drew Gurian, Joe McNally's assistant. Check it out in the link below.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chicago the Windy City – Day 2

Alright, I am definitely responsible for a little lack of blog updates. I guess the moment I turned this into a true blue photography blog, I seem to realise that I have that amount to blog about but then again, I am the number procrastinator when it comes to processing photos and getting up on the blog let alone sending them to the printers to get them printed.

Here is a continuation from my previous post, talking about when I was visiting Chicago City which is still a fond memory in my head. We started the day with an Architecture tour in mind, the tour mainly revolved around us going up and down the river whilst listening to some lady talking about how old some buildings were and what design the architect had in mind. To be honest, when I was a kid, I always wanted to be an architect. Mainly because I wanted to design the next "Death Star" or something cooler.


Every day had to always begin with a great breakfast and where else to have breakfast at the local bakery in the village.


I was quite happy as I could finally try out bagels and cream cheese.


But to be perfectly honest, it was nothing to shout about. Kinda regretted not ordering the large breakfast set which came with toast, scrambled eggs and crispy bacon. After going about on the river cruise, we decided to walk along Michigan Avenue which was crowded with shoppers.



After spending a lot of time walking (my feet was already aching!), we decided to look for a place for lunch and since I am a fan of 1901 HotDog's and my favourite hotdog is Chicago Beef, why not try the actual Chicago Beef Hotdogs in Chicago itself. High and low searching and using our iPhones to search for nearby restaurants, we ended up at Portillo's.


Where I ordered a huge chilli dog with curly fries. (Pity there wasn't any rootbeer available)


Next stop for us was the Aquarium which was located all the way down south of where we were. After taking the metro line (subway), we were still quite far off from the aquarium and walking there seemed the best alternative (also the cheapest). At the same time, it gave me some opportunities to shoot a little bit of the Chicago scenery. Apparently they worship feet over there since they have plenty of monuments dedicated to it.


Note the guy in the orange shirt above? Yes, he is on a Segway! He is part of a Segway tour group, how cool is that?  Its basically a tour where you get to ride your own individual Segway around the city with a bunch of other people guided by a tour guide. Do that in Malaysia and you get run down by cars and "mat rempits".



I am amazed that they even have signs to state "dog friendly" areas as well.


More random stuff which I took whilst making our way to the aquarium.



After a long walk, we finally arrived at our destination.


Only to be welcomed by a huge crowd and the fact that we only had 2 hours before they closed. I am so not used to seeing everything closed by 5pm!


The main attraction of the aquarium, other than seeing loads of sea creatures, is their collection of beluga whales.


After the place closed up, I took even more random shots of the surrounding areas.


I still can't believe how large Lake Michigan is!


Yes it is a lake! Possibly larger than the entire land mass of Peninsula Malaysia.

By the way, the myth about cops and donuts ain't true. I caught a couple of them eating hot dogs.



They (the police, duh!) seem to be riding everything possible now, bicycles, horses, and motorcycles. Soon they will be riding one of these as well!


Only thing is that they probably needed to put power sockets around the city to charge up their Segways.


Funky looking bench with interesting art on it.


Last but not least, a shot of my colleague whilst we took the metro train back to our hotel.


Chicago, definitely a city I would love to visit again. I think I will spend a little more time there the next time I am in Chicago for training.