Thursday, August 21, 2008



Thursday, August 14, 2008

Burning Out

Yes thats right, I am burning, literally that is. I was stuck under the sun for the past couple of weekends and I have gotten rather tanned. The first occasion was when I went for my first round of golf on the green at UPM. Being the complete newbie or n00b, I went there without getting anything prepared. Yes, that means no water, no cap, no extra change of clothes and worse of all, no sunblock. But it was cool, because the sun was just blazing hot and I endured all of that through the 18 holes.

Many years ago I always had this thought that I would never enjoyed the game golf. When the opportunity arose whereby my friends started to pick up the sport and went for lessons, I have to frankly say that at times I was rather reluctant because I thought it was rather boring just swinging your club at 100+ balls at the range. It was until I set foot on the UPM golf course and hit my first ball right 5 metres in front of me did I only realise that the competitive spirit in me wanted to do better.

To cut the long story short, I am eager to play my next round of golf next weekend at UPM again and this time I can't wait to get to the range to practice some of my shots and get used to my new set of golf clubs. Yes, thats right! Unlike the others who basically inherited most of their sets from their parents who plays golf, I had to invest some hard earned cash into the sport which makes me want to make sure that I make full use of my investments.

Another interesting fact was that I got sunburned again in Lumut. This time I stole some sunblock (SPF 30) but after spending the entire Saturday morning under the sun playing funny games, I could see patches of my skin which I missed applying sunblock on. There was a very nice looking golf course at Damai Laut as well and that was where my company's golf tournament was held. Of course being overly enthusiastic, I was chatting with one of the senior managers about golf and mentioned to him that I will be participating next year! That means I definitely have to brush up and improve my game within the next 12 months!

Thats right, I have to head back to the driving range again to practice on my swing and get used to my new clubs. Can't wait for that once I get back from Singapore!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Off to Lumut

Yes I will be off to Lumut for my annual company trip. Initially I wanted to bring my camera and participate in the photography competition but after an hour of packing up all the stuff I need to bring, I decided against it. Why, you might ask. Well I have to carry Yin Sern's guitar there including 3 effects pedal as well as my work laptop to participate in my company's annual DOTA tournament as well. So with already 3 bags to manage, an additional 4th bag will be too cumbersome and I am not driving there.

In about 4 hours time, I should be awake and ready to head to Amcorp mall in order to board the bus. But frankly, I should be sleeping all the way there since its already 2am and I still wide awake! Alright, before I doze off, I should be catching an episode of the latest Top Gear!

See you all next week!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Really Funny Joke - No Room At The Inn

I read this joke today and it really made my day :D

A man needs a room for the night. He stops at an inn and asks for lodgings. The innkeeper says that he doesn't have any rooms available but there is one big bed in a room that he can share with another man but he must warn him that the man snores so bad that no one can stand it.

The traveler says that would be fine. Next morning he comes down all smiles and tells the innkeeper that he had a great nights sleep.

The innkeeper was shocked and asked the man how he was able to sleep with all that noise.

The man said, "Simple, when I got in the room I leaned over and kissed the man on the cheek and said 'have a good night, beautiful'. He stayed awake all night watching me."

I couldn't stop laughing....


Monday, August 4, 2008

As of late

Lately I have been busy either attending my usual training courses which require me to stay over as well as band practice for my upcoming company trip. Those two activities really took a toll on me over the past week and I have been facing more internet connection problems at home, hence the lack of updates on this blog.

Now that I am back at work, I feel that the urge to blog might be a little lot less. Maybe its because I am quite worn out and I have two more band practice sessions coming up tomorrow night and on Wednesday night which I desperately need to practice my part or else the rest will hang me up to dry. There is this huge list of songs which I desperately need to get the chords and songs to practice with.

What was enjoyable last week was to be able to network with potential technology architects from around the world and if you see my Facebook account, you would notice that I have been adding friends from Columbia, South Africa, Netherlands, Australia and Singapore.

Other than that, I truly enjoyed playing back together with the "Accidentals" or was it "Accentrix"? I could never tell and it was really fun picking up a guitar again and jamming with the rest of the band. Of course it was blatantly obvious that I am completely out of touch with the whole jamming and guitaring scene but nevertheless, it was really fun!

The final bit of fun which I enjoyed over the period of last week was my very first experience on the golf course. Playing the first time on a full 18-hole course was a mind blowing experience especially seing all the wonder obstacles which stole 19 balls away from me (OB and water traps!). Next session is in 3 weeks time and I can't wait to actually go to the golf shop to purchase my first set of golf clubs and then test it out on the driving range.

Finally, the next two weekends I will be away from KL, travelling to Damai Laut for my company trip and then to Singapore next weekend to attend a wedding.

And lastly, the Nikon D700 has been launched here in Malaysia and forums have been shouting with people getting some of them priced at RM8700 for the unit. Shashinki currently has a promotion for the D700 at RM8888 as well. I doubt that I can afford one anytime soon as recession is about to hit this country so cash savings is the better way to go.